To understand this passage, it helps to know a little of the background. As I understand it, a herd of sheep would be gathered into a sheepfold to protect them from thieves and other dangers. A sheepfold could be a cave, a shed, or even an open area surrounded by walls made of stones and branches. The sheep were contained in safety and could only enter through the “gate.”
Jesus said, “I am the gate for the sheep.” Jesus is our way to safety. We are the sheep, by the way. Jesus is our only way to eternal life. We may face trials and struggles in our life, but if we choose Jesus as our way, we will be safe. Will our lives be trouble free? No. But we will have protection in those times.
Jesus describes himself as the gate, but in a sheepfold, it would be the shepherd who acted as the gate. This will lead beautifully into our reading for tomorrow. For today, we want to focus on Jesus as our only access to God.
There are so many world religions that don’t recognize Jesus as God’s son. They, of course, would not recognize him as the gate or the only way to the Father either. This is a belief that we as Christ followers are privileged to have. What happens to all the other “sheep” then?
I am not a scholar, nor do I think any scholar would dare try to answer that question directly. I know what I believe, and I know that Jesus is my Savior and way to the Father. As his disciple, I must tell everyone I meet about his life-saving love and promise. For those who don’t hear or choose a different belief, I leave those people in God’s hands. I am not here to figure out where they go. I just know how to get there. I want to take as many people with me as I can.
One of the reasons I love doing this reflection every day and making it public is so it can be used by God. Talking with God is easy. Following him is not difficult when you are devoted to him and want to do his will. When opposition comes, I want to be equipped and ready. I prepare myself by spending time with God in his word. It’s powerful. Everything we need is in this book.
God reveals himself to me every day in my quiet time. Are you looking for a closer walk with God? Set time aside each day. It might be hard at first. Start with 5 minutes. Then 10, 15, etc. Think of how important this is for you and for your future. Remember, the other things that take your time will not give you life.
You’re not alone. Just a few short years ago, I was so caught up in my daily activities and responsibilities. My time with God was not regular at all. I knew God loved me, and I knew I believed in him. That was enough, right? Well, since I’ve changed how I do things to include time for God every day, and sometimes hours and not just minutes, my life is so much richer. I never want to go back to the old way again.
You never have to be alone again. Pick up your Bible. Ask God to reveal himself to you.
Let’s pray. Father, I am so delighted to be spending time with you today. I look forward to our times together. I love taking a reading from your word and letting it just wash over me so I can feel you and hear from you. I pray you will use this message to reach more people and so they will be filled with the same peace and joy. Thank you for how you protect me. I know you are working behind the scenes to keep me safe from harm even when I cannot see trouble looming. May I be a blessing to those I encounter today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.