Was it just me, or did you get a little misty-eyed when you read today’s passage? I suppose coming off a week involving a funeral in our family as I write this doesn’t help my emotional stability. Being reunited with family is such a beautiful thing. I knew this reunion was coming for Joseph, but I’m trying to read each day’s passage as if it’s the first time I’ve ever read it. That can be a challenge when you’ve studied the same passage in Sunday School, church, Bible studies, etc.
Can you just picture this reunion happening? Can you imagine the surprised look on his brother’s faces when Joseph revealed himself to them? Of course, Joseph would look much different as an Egyptian official. I’m picturing the long black haired wigs and fancy clothes. Much different than the clothes of a shepherd. An incredulous revelation to be sure.
It’s all God’s doing. God had been orchestrating this moment. Think back to that fateful day when Joseph told his brothers about his dream. Why in the world would they one day bow down to him? In their lives as shepherds, the idea must have seemed fanciful. That just wouldn’t happen and must have sounded absurd. But God knew. Joseph connected the dots, too, and gave God all the credit for his place in life.
What does God have in store for you in your future? I was just thinking about that today in the shower. After spending time with my dad who is in his 80’s and me in my 50’s, I realized I’ve got 30 years before I’m his age. That’s a LONG time, and God can use me in mighty ways. It invigorated me, and I’ve spent a lot of time today in prayer asking God to reveal to me his plan. I want to make sure I am faithful.
Will our lives be without bumps and bruises? No. Look at Joseph’s life and other Bible heroes of the faith. God doesn’t promise us a problem-free life. He does promise to never leave our side. That’s pretty cool. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t make it, couldn’t do it, couldn’t figure it out? Me, too. We don’t need to feel that way. We have the assurance that God is there. When we are feeling weak, we can choose to feel weak, or we can choose to call upon the God who is standing by to make us strong.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for being my rock and my salvation. You are there even though I cannot see you. I can feel you giving me the strength I need to make it through each day. I look forward to seeing how you are going to use me. I ask a special blessing on each of my family members as we are separated by miles and circumstance. May they feel the joy and strength you provide, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.