Genesis 12:10-20 – My Way

Read Genesis 12:10-20

Did Abram question God when famine struck the land he was just led to by God? No. But he did take his wife, Sarai to Egypt to wait it out. I’m not sure he thought through this decision all that well.  So what happened when Abram realized his wife was so beautiful that his  own life would be in danger as her husband? Abram stopped trusting God at the moment, and he asked Sarai to lie about her identity. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie because she was his half-sister, but clearly his wife, too. She was not “available.”

Didn’t Abram believe God would protect them? Maybe the thought didn’t cross his mind? We might be guilty of that, too. When obstacles get in our way we often try to use our own means and strength to overcome them. Rather, we should rely on God to provide our solution. Especially when we are sure we are on the path God intends for us. We need to be confident that God has it all worked out. But it’s easy to fall into the trap of doubt. The evil one is counting on it.

So Abram and Sarai concocted the story about her being his sister, and indeed the Pharaoh was taken with her. Abram became an honored guest by being her brother. But God’s plan was being manipulated and that would not be the case. God intervened. Abram and Sarai were caught in their lie. Thankfully, by the grace of God, they were not both killed but only escorted out of town in a very official manner. It’s hard to tell how long this stay lasted or if the famine “back home” had ended. Again, details that don’t make or break the story.

Do you remember a time in your life when you thought you had to fix things but God had them under control? How did that work out? It’s probably one of the hardest things for me, being a people pleaser and fixer by nature, to know when my job is done and I need to let go and let God. You’d think by now I would be smarter in this regard.

How others have done it is to pray for what they need and then trust. I’ve heard countless stories of people needing a certain amount of money to make rent, pay a bill, etc. After praying and trusting, the money shows up, usually in the exact amount they prayed for. God is awesome.

So why do I still struggle with this? Am I the only one? In my particular situation right now, we are looking for a new place to live. We have asked God to show us the house for us. Then I intervene and contact realtors, look online, and we even schedule showings. Why can’t I just sit back and trust that the owner of the perfect property is going to call me? Probably because I’m still not sure how things work here in Mexico, and I’ve grown up being pretty self-sufficient. I can make do with little if I have to. I am still learning that God has much more for me when I trust him.

God’s ways are so much better than our ways. Just trust him!

Let’s pray. Father, forgive me when I try to take on more than you intend for me to do. Help me to rely on you and your provision and step out of the way. Thank you for the peace you have given me. Help me to dream bigger and be ready for all the blessings you intend for me. May I never forget your great sacrifice and what you have already done for me. I have been rescued and redeemed. Thank you, Lord, for how you are working in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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