What did you think when you read this passage today? Did you marvel at the different names people used back then? Did you wonder, boy, I wonder what Dana is going to say about this one? Did you wonder why Dana included this reading and didn’t just pass it by?
I need to admit the names are quite something. I’m not sure I can remember but a few. And I’d have to draw out a chart to ever remember them and who belonged to who and what they did, etc. But I don’t think that’s what I was supposed to get out of today’s reading.
I pondered what I’d say for a long time, too. And the thought of letting this chapter just quietly pass by also crossed my mind. But then I listened. Then I asked God what he wanted me to do today. Whether it was direct from the Almighty or not, I decided to be true to this reflection. I have not ever skipped a verse before as I walk through each book of the Bible. I want to devour God’s word and every part of it. I don’t want to be a picky reader.
Will every verse speak to me on some great and marvelous level? Probably not. And that’s okay. There is not one word in the Bible that isn’t supposed to be there. Every single verse and chapter are important because they have a purpose and point toward something greater. Today’s reading is not excluded from this truth.
I’m astounded at the number of names that made it through history to be recorded. The pre-history part of Genesis was written years, many many years later. By word of mouth tradition, the story was told from generation to generation until it was put on paper as God inspired wisdom for us. People needed to know where they came from. Heritage. It was important.
I think we have lost that respect for heritage. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, it’s just not the same. However, there are some benefits to wanting to know what happened in the past, using past failures and successes to help us move forward is one benefit. Knowing why we have certain quirks and realizing that Uncle George or Grandma Jean also had such a tendency.
It all points to God. Genetics. God created each one of us different, but we each hold a genetic code that has similarities within bloodlines. I have never taken any formal courses in genetics. But it is fascinating just the same, don’t you think? And why a brother and sister from the same parents could be so totally different.
God is a master at perfection. We need to trust and believe that. We may not be perfect, only Jesus can hold that title, but God made us to be as perfect as we are able. Sometimes we get lazy and just go through the motions. We lose our joy. We forget how much we have and how much more God wants for us if we just get off our behinds!
So, here we are — looking back at our text in Genesis. What do you think about this text? I’d love to hear in the comments.
Let’s pray. Lord, you are so good. Even when I’m not sure what direction to take, I can feel you take my hand and off we go. Thank you for the freedom to just let go and know I’m held securely. When I step aside and let you show me the situation looks so much brighter. Watch over all your little ones and bring them to a faith in you. Use me, as you will, to help show them the way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.