1 Timothy 1:1-11 – Issues of Faith

Read 1 Timothy 1:1-11

This is a book was written by Paul as encouragement to one of his closest companions.  Timothy was a young Christian leader in Ephesus, and Paul was a bit of a father figure to him.  While written to help Timothy discern issues facing the early church, the wisdom speaks to us as well.  I’m going to focus in on verse 5. The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” 

Paul’s words here are clear as to Timothy’s mission, and I think we should see it as our missions as well.  While it sounds simple enough, it is also very difficult. Let’s unpack that a bit.  We, by nature, are so pulled by society and often drawn to darkness. We might not even realize this deception is happening to us.  To have a “pure” heart becomes a struggle. What does that even mean, a “pure” heart?  

If we are true to ourselves, having a clear conscience is also fleeting, unless we truly focus on the truth and rid ourselves of the evil and folly that surrounds us, that is trying to devour us.  The evil one is crafty and he uses many means by which to tempt us to leave behind our destiny. We too often shut ourselves off from a life of faith and the enjoyment a pure heart and clear conscience can bring.  To be right with God.  

What does living of a life of faith in God look like these days? Take some time today to reflect on how you are living out your faith.

Let’s pray.  Lord help us to discern the evil around us that is ready to deceive our hearts.  Help us to stand strong against those false teachers and pray for them.  Thank you for the encouragement you send to us in your word.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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