I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve read this Bible account of the first sin. The sin that forever changed it all. I’m trying to read it with fresh eyes so that new understanding might shine through. How about you? Were there any new revelations that spoke to you?
I like how Satan uses an already “crafty” animal to do his bidding. The serpent or snake, and this one even speaks. Satan uses temptation to lure Eve into his trap. We, too, face temptations every day. The first step is to look. When we see the temptation before us, it is all the harder to turn away and avoid it. So while just seeing the temptation is not a sin, it very soon becomes sin when we take the next step and take it or do it. After all, it “looks good” at first. Then because we feel a little guilty, we get someone else to come along with us down trouble lane.
Passing the buck for our sin is another human trait we see time and again. It’s definitely a part of this story as well. When confronted by God, Adam said, it was the woman’s fault, and in turn, the woman said, the serpent made me do it. I’m sure, like me, you can think of times when you did something wrong, but you masterfully looked for ways to blame someone else. First of all, it’s natural to do this so we don’t look bad, but at the same time, it isn’t healthy. We need to take responsibility for our actions, whether they are good or bad. Blaming others for our errors or mistakes is simply taking on a victim mentality.
Victims are not attractive. They are those that blame others, complain a lot and always try to rationalize. Will victims find success and happiness? Probably not. We’ve been learning about them in our business as we work on personal development exercises. The Bible is always my first go-to resource for knowing how to live. We all strive to be more like Jesus. The trouble becomes when we try to be God, like Eve was doing. She was led to believe that if she did this thing she would be like God and have knowledge like him. I wonder how many times she refused before she finally gave in. Was she strong-willed or was Satan just that crafty to put her under his spell?
We may face similar temptations in our life. Satan is not necessarily going to show up in our life as a snake, but you know he will likely use people we trust and pounce during our times of weakness. We will see something that looks so beautiful and so irresistible. You may even now be thinking of things that tempt you. When this temptation leads you to action, and that action takes us away from God, that’s the worst of sins.
God was disappointed in the choices Adam and Eve had made There were consequences. Even the snake was sentenced to a life of slithering along the ground. Never thought much about how the snake may have been an innocent bystander as it was overtaken by Satan. Nonetheless, in God’s anger and disappointment, there was a price to pay for all involved. Satan’s victory, however, has left its mark on us all. Isn’t it exciting to know that Jesus wins the final victory over sin and death? In your face, Satan!
We need to have that kind of boldness to stand up to the temptations in our life. There is a beautiful verse that often gets misquoted as it relates to “temptations”. It doesn’t relate to “troubles” or “hardship.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”
God is faithful. What temptation do you struggle to avoid? No more blaming. Take responsibility. Rely on the promise in 1 Corinthians and let God show you the way.
Let’s pray. Father, thank you that you are there for me when temptations come. Help me to realize my own weakness and depend on you. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the tasks of the day or the decisions I need to make. I want so desperately to be living in your will. I still have doubts that what I’m hearing is from you and not just my own desires. Give me clarity. Open up the opportunities. Thank you for bringing the people into my life that you have. Use me where I’m supposed to be used. Give me the means to help. Cleanse my heart from any selfishness or greed. Replace any doubt with confidence. In Jesus’ name I ask these things. Amen.