Ruth 4:1-12 – The Deal

Read Ruth 4:1-12

Boaz was true to his word and put himself in the place where he was likely to find the “first” redeemer. That is something I would do, too. If I wanted to meet up with someone, I would think about where they would go and then go there. Like groups on Facebook. There are so many cool ways to meet people these days, even people we don’t yet know. We just know where we want to hang out and go there to see who else we might find.

This whole redeemer process is really quite fascinating, don’t you think? I love how Boaz led with the property deal. Naomi would be selling her property because it was likely too much to handle on her own. I was just a little curious why her husband didn’t sell before he left for Moab. Who did he have tending to it in his absence? Just a little detail that really doesn’t matter.

What does matter here is the land was to be an inheritance belonging to Naomi’s sons. The family redeemer steps in so Ruth can bear a son, an heir to the family property. The bloodlines stay connected to the family in this way. According to the hierarchy, Boaz did not have first dibs on the property or on Ruth. He knew that and being the man full of integrity he was,  he didn’t test the boundaries.

What did you find interesting in the exchange Boaz had with the other man? The sandal thing was different. We would think of a handshake or a signed written document, notarized by witnesses. The way Boaz did it was proper yet laid back.

The fact that the other man wanted the land but with no strings attached was also a bit curious. It seemed he didn’t want to have to share his inheritance. Even though the land he was purchasing belonged to Ruth’s descendants, and he was the “donor” that was going to make that reality.

The whole situation is a little different than what we would see happen today, but what a great solution for everyone involved. The witnesses seemed very pleased with the arrangement, too, and they gave it their blessing.  May Ruth be like Leah and Rachel from whom the whole nation of Israel descended, they said. Little did they know how God would magnify this blessing.

How are we like Ruth? Are we hardworking and ready to please? Are we devoted and obedient? Ruth was learning the ways of Naomi’s God. We need to be learning and growing closer to God with each day. It’s important we stay on the right track and keep our eyes focused on God. Our lives should be a reflection of who we belong to. When people see us, what do they see? Just as Boaz watched Ruth from afar and marveled at her work ethic, we want God to be pleased with what we are doing to follow him.

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you today and thank you for working behind the scenes to make things happen. Help me to set aside all doubt or worry today and only focus on your goodness and provision. You have never let me high and dry. You have always had an answer and a direction for me. I need to open my ears to hear you, feel your nudging, and move into the beautiful future you have in store for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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