There will be times in life when our faith will waver. Circumstances will confuse us and cause us to question everything we know or believe. It’s in those times we need to be surrounded by others with strong faith who can see clearly what is happening, despite our own spiritual blindness.
The story of Naaman has so many rich truths for us to cling to. What spoke loudest to me today was that Naaman’s men had the faith, or at least the wisdom, to calm Naaman’s anger to do as he had been told by the prophet, Elisha. Because of the encouragement of his men, Naaman was healed and his mission into Samaria was a success.
Can you remember a time when you accepted the encouragement from your believer friends when feeling spiritually weak? Have you been the encourager for others?
I was also impressed by how the servant girl boldly spoke her own faith in a foreign land to help her master. She didn’t seem afraid to speak of her faith. What a beautiful showing of compassion! How often do we share what we know, that faith in God is the answer to someone’s affliction?
Naaman’s anger may have been a bit “over the top,” but I can understand it. Don’t we tend to get frustrated when things don’t turn out like we expect? I can resonate with those “Type A” personalities who tend to be organized, goal-focused, and annoyed with delays. Naaman was a powerful warrior who was probably wondering, “why doesn’t this prophet give me some respect?”
Was it leprosy? We know from New Testament readings that having leprosy meant you were a social outcast, shunned and abandoned. It doesn’t appear that Naaman was experiencing such isolation. That left me a little curious. Did you catch that, too?
What else did you see in the account of Naaman’s healing? Perhaps it was Elisha’s own attentiveness to his king’s lament. Perhaps it was curiosity about why Elisha didn’t face Naaman. Perhaps it was Elisha’s refusal to accept gifts from Naaman as his gesture of thanksgiving.
Take some time today to think about the people you have in your life who can come around and support you in your seasons of vulnerability. Say a prayer of gratitude for them. Be sure to ask God who in your circle may be needing a word of encouragement today.

Let’s pray …
Lord, thank you for surrounding me with loving Christ-followers who keep me focused on the main thing. Forgive me when I get impatient and start to doubt your presence. Continue to strengthen my faith and help me be a witness to others who may be struggling. I want to be attentive to how you are moving in my life, even when I cannot see immediate results. I know you are there, Lord, and for that I am grateful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.