Think of a time when you finally received a good word after spending hours (maybe even days) on pins and needles because of an unfolding catastrophe. And then it happened. A resolution. A light seen at the end of the tunnel. Remember that sense of being free to breathe, like a weight had just been removed from your chest?
Do you think that’s what Hezekiah may be feeling when he finally hears from Isaiah? We know Hezekiah’s heart has been extremely troubled, feeling torn into different directions. Sometimes we have a pull on our own loyalties. What happens if your loved one doesn’t believe in Jesus like you do?
Hezekiah sought out the counsel of a trusted prophet, Isaiah. Imagine the surprise when Hezekiah heard God’s remarks about his enemy, King Sennacherib! I know I’m glad I’m not that Assyrian king! God is certainly not a fan!
That makes me take a step back and wonder what power God has placed inside me. What great work is he going to do through me? Maybe I’ve already acted on his behalf or am about to. The difference is, I hope to recognize God’s power at work and not try to claim it as my own. It’s exhilarating to think I could be a vessel for God’s work here on earth. Have you ever thought about what kind of a vessel you are?
Someone who doesn’t know God will probably think their success has come from their efforts. In some cases, that may just be the case. But what if it was a gift from God? I want to make sure I am honoring God’s work in me and giving him the glory, making sure people see God and not me. Does that make sense?
When you get clear on your mission or at least have a vision for how you want to live your life, there is freedom. You CAN breathe again. You can breathe in even deeper.
Here’s a technique I often use to open prayer sessions (group or private). Imagine breathing in all of God’s goodness, and then exhale out all of your worries, doubts, distractions, you know the “junk” that clogs your heart and brain from being truly present with God. (I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who gets clogged up now and again!)
Take a couple of those cleansing breaths. Thank God for filling you anew!
Let’s pray …
Lord, there are several situations brewing that need to be resolved. Lord, give me wisdom to do the right thing and shine with your light. I thank you for the vision for life you have given me and how you are moving in that vision. Forgive me for those times when I’ve been distracted, going my own way. Help me keep my eyes on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.