At last, the Queen’s reign concludes! Wasn’t it refreshing to read that “all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was peaceful because Athaliah had been killed at the king’s palace”? It will definitely be a new day in the land of Judah!
The priest Jehoiada was instrumental in bringing the LORD back into focus. It seems the covenants being made were making all things right with the world again. At least in Judah for that moment in time! When we are in alignment with God, things just feel “right.”
When we are focused on God, it’s also easier to see the wrong around us. I wanted to cheer out loud when the people tore down the temple of Baal all on their own. The text doesn’t say that they were forced to do so, they just did. They seemed to know that the distraction of another idol would not be wise if they wanted to keep their covenant with God to belong to him.
It’s good to have covenants or promises with God. It’s a grand way of keeping us accountable for good behavior. Can you think of any personal covenants you’ve made with God? Marriage is a good example. I love seeing couples who keep God playing an active role in their marriage.
As Christians, we hear about the “new covenant” with God introduced by Jesus. In Luke 22:20 we read Jesus’ words during the final meal with his disciples, “After supper he took another cup of wine and said, ‘This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.’”
The old covenant required God’s people to obey his laws so that they would be protected and blessed. In the new covenant, God is proactive and becomes our source of salvation. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”
It’s a new day God has given you. How are you going to respond to his gift and blessing?
And for a parting thought, imagine being crowned king at the age of 7. When you start to question whether you can do something or not, remember Joash. God will certainly be guiding him just as we can be confident God is with us, too!

Let’s pray …
Lord, thank you for your promise to be with us and to never let anything separate us from your love. It is an extravagant promise I can rely on each day. I also thank you for the cross and for your sacrifice which has given me life. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.