Read 2 Chronicles 6:1-11
I love how the Bible uses speeches like Solomon’s to testify to God’s movement among the people. Each time we recall what God has done and share that with others, we reveal God’s character to those who many not otherwise understand.
There may have been people present that day who didn’t realize what the LORD’s promise to David had been. Solomon was “catching them up,” so they would know that the construction of the temple was not just something Solomon arranged on a whim. The temple had been the desire of his father, David. Now that construction was complete, that dream was realized at last, and Solomon gave God the credit.
How often do people let pride get in the way and take credit for accomplishments that were totally God’s doing? On the other hand, we have also seen athletes, for example, giving God the glory for their win or their ability to run up and down the field at all. God gifts his people in many ways, giving praise to the Lord for those provisions is always the right thing to do!
Solomon is addressing the people here as he prepares for his prayer of dedication. It can be helpful for us in our own quiet prayer time to first spend time reveling in the majesty of God and his provision. Only then can we enter God’s presence with a heart dedicated to God alone, leaving the distractions of the world behind.
Seeing God’s promises fulfilled never gets old. We discover many of God’s many promises in pages of the Bible. Some of them have been fulfilled already, and for others we remain in anticipation. For example, I think of Jesus’ promise to come back. That’s a promise I cling to for all I’m worth. He said to be ready, and God’s Word tells us how.
Sadly, people today seem to be moving farther and farther away from the teachings of the Bible. Without that foundation, it’s not surprising that it seems our society is crumbling, and people are becoming more and more focused on self. Little, if any, thought is given to what God would want us to do. If we’re not reading our Bibles, we are clueless to what God wants.
The praise on Solomon’s lips is evidence he saw God moving. What an exciting time for Solomon and the people of Israel. Their future was laid before them. Trusting and obeying God was all they had to do to live a long and prosperous life.
That was a promise the people would soon forget. But for today, as Solomon stood before the crowd and praised the Lord. Spend time today praising God for all the provisions in your life and the promises in his word yet to be fulfilled.
Let’s pray. Father God, I am humbled at your great mercy and how you provide for my needs. I love seeing how you moved among your people all those years ago, too. I know you are still moving today; give me eyes to see. Watch over my steps and all the conversations I have. May I always give you credit for how your grace and mercy displays in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.