God’s love is inside us. That is a beautiful gift, isn’t it? Especially when we know that love is a key message in the Bible. Love is more than a feel good emotion. It’s more than an act of compassion. John tells us “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us.” Think about giving up your own life for a friend or family member. Don’t just gloss over this, but truly imagine the sacrifice.
The verse I quoted above is from 1 John 3:16. Isn’t it beautiful how John 3:16 is very similar yet speaks of God’s love for the world that he gave up his son. Those are both beautiful glimpses into the devotion, sacrifice, and even pain that comes with perfect love from above. We have that love inside us ready to share with others.
We’re called to love one another with that love. We don’t necessarily need to die to prove it, but our compassion needs to shine through. I don’t know about you, but I can “feel the love” from certain people. They’ve figured it out. We need to learn how to harness the love of God that lives within us and use it to love God and others.
It goes beyond lip service, too (and I’m not talking about kissing). Don’t merely say, “I love you.” Words can often be empty and meaningless. Let your actions confirm your words. You know how that feels, too, right? Someone tells you they love you yet they continue to hurt you over and over. Sometimes we take that personally and start to believe we are unlovable.
We have been commanded to love. I’m not afraid to use that word, command. It’s an authoritative word, but it is what we need to hear. Some may think the Bible is full of rules, things we must do. But when it comes down to it, Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-40 that to love is a command that sums up all the rest. Love God and one another. We must love. If we love, most of the other “rules” fall nicely into place.
How are you showing others that you love them? Remember God’s love lives inside you, he will help you love those who are hard to love. We can start by loving ourselves. We are much more likely to love others if we have loved ourselves first.
Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I struggle to love others. Give me your eyes so that I can see them as you do. Lovable. Spark in me the desire to love others. I love you, Lord, but it’s sometimes hard when I get busy and distracted to remember to show love to hose around me. Enlarge my heart and my compassion for others.May your light truly shine from me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.