Have you seen the little jokes or quizzes going around asking if you had to take only one thing with you to the moon, to a deserted island, or some other obscure location what would it be? Sometimes they’ll even give you a list to choose from like chocolate, a book, your pet, wine, a blanket, etc. In other words, what do you love most? While those exercises may seem silly, they get us to thinking about something beyond our current reality.
Today’s reading would caution us from loving things of this world. What does that even mean? Didn’t God create everything that is? Perhaps it’s in the language, the word “of” as opposed to “in”. Everything “in” the world is God’s creation and belongs to him. But those things “of” the world are available because the world has created them.
According to John, the world has created temptation or cravings for things. Instead of craving God and a relationship with him, the world lures us into wanting things as in materialism, or creating a desire or a longing we may not have had otherwise. I think of people’s attraction to prestige, power, lust, pride, and attention. Those are “of” the world.
Another interesting twist on words here is about loving the world. Here we are cautioned against loving the world and what it offers. Yet, John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” If God loves the world, shouldn’t we? God recognized the brokenness of the world. The only way to save the world and the people was to send Jesus. Those who live in the world and believe will receive eternal life.
So John’s words to us today draw on that. He wants us to be careful where we put our allegiance. What do we love? John also reminds us that the things of the world will fade away. We know man made “things” wear out, rot, break, etc. Whatever enjoyment we receive is only temporary. Yet, joy in the Lord is eternal. The promise is here. John says, “But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.”
Even our own bodies wear out and have an expiration date. God’s promise for eternal life goes beyond this world. We know there is more. We can trust God. Is there anything in today’s reading that speaks to you or confuses you? You can always leave a comment below and start some discussion.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for loving the world so much that you sent Jesus. Help me to discern your leading when it comes to loving the world and the people in it. Help me stay clear of the world’s temptations that would lead me away from you. Give me clarity and sound judgment to avoid unhealthy choices. Speak through me as I share my reflections with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.