1 Corinthians 12:12-31 – Body of Christ

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

I have always liked how this passage describes the body of Christ. What do you picture when you hear reference to “the body of Christ”? Even more exciting, we are part of that body!  This is a great carryover from our reading yesterday on spiritual gifts in that our “part” of the body is dependent on our gifting.

Paul uses an analogy here in likening parts of the body to those members of the church (body of Christ).  It is helpful to note that the church is more than just people standing alone, it is people connected to Jesus, so the analogy works.  We are all parts of the bigger picture, God’s plan for saving the world.  We are all bonded together by the Spirit, the glue that is holding us all together into the body of Christ. Without the Spirit, we are lost and set apart.

I also like how Paul goes out of his way to empower all parts of the body, and he doesn’t single one or two out as most important.  This is a helpful reminder to us to not judge each other or feel inadequate when we look at others and how they have been gifted.  God gave us the gift he wanted us to have.  God is designing the perfect body of Christ.  Diversity was his plan, and we are to be interdependent members, all trusting in the same Spirit.

Does this truth frighten or empower you?  How has God positioned you for this battle?  Are you ready and prepared?  Take some time to reflect on your place in the body of Christ.

Let’s pray.  Lord thank you that you have entrusted a job for me in the body of Christ.  May I hold this position well and work for you to the best of my ability.  Help me encourage and love those around me who may be struggling.  You know the needs here, God, reveal to me how I can uplift and bring your love to them in their darkness.  In your Son’s precious name.  Amen.

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