Read Zechariah 8:1-8
Zechariah’s visions reveal God’s intentions for Jerusalem. The LORD declares, “My love for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem!” The LORD is returning to dwell in Jerusalem in the midst of his people.
This passage must have been what a friend of mine was referring to years ago when he talked about returning to Jerusalem. It was as if he believed his own faith journey would one day lead him to Jerusalem.
Will we be drawn by something like a magnet’s force, pulling us “home” to Jerusalem when the fulfillment of this prophecy takes place? These salvation oracles leave me with lots of questions. How about you?
I especially enjoyed the way Zechariah described the scene we’ll see in Jerusalem. Children playing freely in the street spoke volumes to me. No more fear of perversion or being taken, abused, or worse. There is so much in this world that threatens the innocence of children.
How fitting that this was the image God used. Matthew 19:14 also comes to mind. It says, “But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’” We need to recapture the wonder children have as they discover the world God made for them.
Isaiah was another prophet who mentions a child in his prophecy. “In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” (Isaiah 11:6) That text was one I recently used at the girls home when talking about heaven.
Those sweet little ones have seen way more than most adults have seen or will ever see. Today’s passage is another that can really bring peace in trouble times for any of us. We have the assurance a beautiful day like this will come. It seems hard to fathom now when we’re surrounded by so much corruption and deception.
God knew we would think so, “[t]his is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: All this may seem impossible to you now, a small remnant of God’s people. But is it impossible for me? says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” We need to remember how big God is and stop trying to limit him because of our limited capacities.
We need to be like Zechariah. As Elizabeth Achtemeier once wrote, “Zechariah is a man intoxicated with the vision of the coming Kingdom.” When we focus on our promised future in that kingdom, we can’t help but start looking forward to being there. No more fear of death or the end of the world.

Let’s pray. Lord, you are so good. I love your heart for children; they are so precious. May I recapture that awe and wonder as I draw closer to you each day. Help me to see clearly your desire for me. Help me to listen so I can do my best to receive that from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.