Ephesians 4:17-27 – It’s All About Unity

Read Ephesians 4:17-27

Because we are sinful humans, we tend to be at odds with each other. It was true for the folks in Ephesus, and it’s true for us today. Paul focuses on unity in the passages we are reading here, and there are some great nuggets of wisdom that stand the test of time.

Today we need to pick up a mirror. It’s easy for us to say we are pure and blameless. But when we look in the mirror, who do we see? If we are true to ourselves, we see a sinner who needs a savior. We see a believer who may be holding on to a grudge, judging their neighbor, or not trusting God with their life. Take a moment to really dig deep. There is something you lust for, something that is keeping you separated from God, something you need to cleanse. Continue reading “Ephesians 4:17-27 – It’s All About Unity”

Philippians 1:27-30 – Citizens of Heaven

Read Philippians 1:27-30

Today’s reading struck a chord with me. Just as Paul is in the midst of his captivity and struggle, so to are people around the world. As I write this (and I realize you may be reading it now in real time or reading it in the future), our world is being pummeled with natural disasters, including hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes. It sounds like end times in some ways, but frightening indeed for those in the midst of these storms.

Paul is telling us here to live as citizens of heaven while we are here on earth. What does this mean? Paul is using the analogy of citizenship to speak to the people of Philippi. There was a sense of being devoted to the country, the ruling nation, think of it as patriotism. Paul wanted them/us to think in terms of being devoted to your country, your citizenship, but then realize it is temporary. We are really meant for heaven, earth is where we gather in community with a colony of other believers.

We are called to build that colony with the destiny in mind. Heaven. We are to stand together with one purpose. Strengthen the colony and bring others into it. Share the news of Jesus and his forgiveness. People need to know they have a great inheritance. We can’t keep that for ourselves when it is meant for many.

There is power in numbers, so we need to stick together when struggles and challenges come. The evil one will bring tests, and we need to be strong to stand against them. Paul calls it a privilege to suffer on account of Christ. It is certainly a privilege and honor to call him Lord. I sometimes have a hard time with calling the other a privilege. But with all believers together, we are strong and eager support each other.

So for all of the horrible things people are experiencing these days, we pray peace. We know God is at work through his people to bring some good out of all of the bad. Some have suggested these disasters are our consequence for evil in the world – hatred, greed, lack of unity, etc. I will not enter into that debate. What I will say is — how we respond in these times of struggle and chaos is a reflection of who we are in Christ.

How are you responding to the crises we see around the world? Do you feel immune and separate yourself? Do you earnestly pray and seek God’s guidance for how you can help?

We all need to stand together in God’s army.

Let’s pray. Father God, the enemy is sending disaster to weaken your people. I thank you that you have them in your hands. Bring them peace and assurance. Things of this earth are temporary, but destiny with you in heaven is our great reward. Help me not to forget that. Help me to focus on the good you have done and your mighty power alive inside me. My energy is feeling depleted. Lord, renew me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 133 – Harmony

Read Psalm 133

Harmony in music is a beautiful blending of different tones, played simultaneously, to give the music a richness and sophistication not found with just a single note being played.

Harmony among people can be just as beautiful. The psalmist describes it as wonderful and pleasant. When God’s people are in harmony, there is a unity. We all have the same goal, to be more and more like Jesus.

Unfortunately unity is not constant. We have all been at odds with someone during our life. Maybe a disagreement left a wedge or differing viewpoints have caused tension. It’s a sad truth that people hurt people. You may have hurt someone without even knowing it. Just as likely, you may have been hurt by someone who had no intention of doing so.

To have harmony in a relationship is a beautiful thing indeed. How we do we handle it when our relationships are not harmonious, when dissonance and hurt take over?

Having served several churches over the years, I remember praying time and again for harmony and unity. Certain individuals would seem to thrive on stirring the pot, so to speak. There is one in every crowd, a church is no different.

Because people are people with their own ideas, experience, desires, and expectations, it is impossible to please everyone all of the time. That may be one of the hardest lessons I have had to learn over the years.

When things are going well and people are getting along, there is harmony. As soon as something happens to shift that, it is no longer wonderful and certainly not pleasant. It would seem that God’s intention for us is to live in unity, in harmony with one another.

The psalmist reminds us that harmony is precious. Harmony is refreshing. Indeed it is. As something that is precious, we need to care for it. I see here that keeping harmony should be a goal for each of us.

Are you struggling with issues of unity today? Are you feeling connected and in harmony with those you love?

Let’s pray. Lord you call us into relationship with you. Thank you that that is a safe place for us. Cleanse my heart of distractions and voices that do not speak your truth. I pray that you will help restore my relationships that are less than harmonious. Prepare our hearts for your reconciliation. Thank you that you are our mediator and guide. May I follow in the footsteps you lay before me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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