We see corruption all around us today, and Jesus describes it beautifully here in his example. I suppose the word beautiful and corruption should not occur in the same sentence. But Jesus is warning them and us to be on the look out for evil. It will take on forms we might not realize. It may invest trusted leaders; nobody is immune.
If we have a heart beat, we are a target for Satan’s evil schemes. I posted something recently: Devil says, “They’re all mine.” Jesus says, “Over my dead body.” Think about that for a moment or two.
Today’s reading is thought to happen very soon after the teachers of the law were questioning Jesus’ authority in our prior text. Now they are feeling a bit put in their place as they see themselves in Jesus’ story. They retreat. Do you think the rest of the people understood the significance?
Do you see the players in this story. Just in case, we have the owner of the vineyard (God), the vineyard (Israel), tenants/farmers (religious leaders), servants (prophets), son (Jesus). Reread if you need to for context. The concern here is the tenants’ improper use of their authority. This wisdom is for us today, any of us in church leadership. Pastors are especially suspect. Who are we serving and following?
The quoting of Psalm 118 here. “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” Jesus, the rejected one, is now the cornerstone and foundation for the new Christian church. On Jesus, we build our trust. He is our sure foundation.
“This is the Lord’s doing, and it is wonderful to see.” Anything that the Lord does is wonderful to see. Imagine the brilliance of the sun, or the magnificence of a sunset each evening. The budding of the trees with each new Spring, and the leaves turning at harvest. It is all God’s doing and for that we should be gratefully awestruck.
Have you ever felt rejected? Maybe you’re walking through a time of sadness right now. I don’t know if it helps, but know that you are in good company. Even Jesus was rejected, and from that rejection (the Lord’s doing for us) something beautiful came to be. Think on the price Jesus paid for you. How do you respond?
Let’s pray. Father, thank you for this illustration into your truth. I never want my self ambition to keep me apart from you. I never want to be so focused on the wrong thing that I forget who is in charge and who has my back. I pray for those who are still allowing evil into their hearts and minds, filling them with lies that only keep them from you. Use me Lord to help them realize that they are being deceived by the evil world. Satan is crafty and we must stand strong. You have equipped us with the battle gear we need. May I never forget to arm myself to defend your kingdom and proclaim your great love for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.