Read Hosea 11:1-11
Oh, the lament of a parent in this passage. God, speaking through Hosea, is recounting his upbringing of Israel, remembering the rescue and the provision. Despite all this, Israel continues to turn away.
Such agony a parent feels when children turn away or do not heed the advice or direction we give, going their own way. But the words that jumped out, “how can I let you go?” As I write this, it’s back to school time for many in the U.S., and even here in Mexico. I’ve watched friends become empty-nesters for the first time. While we all know this is the rite of passage, and we’ve been helping to prepare for this moment from the day they were born, it is hard. We mourn. Something has ended. We need to focus on dawn of a new beginning.
No matter what our children do, we can and will never give up on them. To let them hurt and struggle does tear our hearts. I recall times worrying about one of our children in particular that I might never see him again. Still to this day, there is a strong bond there that keeps us connected despite the miles.
It’s easy to let fear creep in. We can feel so helpless in our moments of fear. That is Satan telling us lies and reducing our trust in God to mere rubble. Satan is strong, but never stronger than the power of God, the power within me. It is especially in our times of fear that we need to get on our knees. We must rely on God to take care of our children. He gave them to us, so we must return them to him.
When trust and our reliance on God returns, so will a sense of calm and peace. Allow it to wash over you and refresh your weary soul. In weakness, our conversations with God must increase, not decrease. We need to arm ourselves with God’s grace and power to withstand the evil that tries to take us over. We must to cling to our faith, trusting God in all circumstances.
So what are you struggling with today? Have you given it to God?
Let’s pray. Father, thank you for the beautiful children you have given me to love. Forgive me if I have failed them in any way. You are healer, and I pray for your healing on them as they all continue to deal with past hurts. You know their struggles better than they do themselves. Work in their hearts to create a readiness and desire to know you. I pray this for all people who do not have a relationship with you. I pray for those who have broken relationships with you. I ask for your guidance in pursuing all that you have for me. I am ready. Send me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.