Deuteronomy 15:1-11 – Release From Debts

Read Deuteronomy 15:1-11

God’s economy presented here to the Israelites seems to be very generous. If you are in debt to another, that debt is cancelled every seven years. From the reading, it appears the cycle is the same for everyone (except foreigners). On a given day, all debts with other Israelites are forgiven and life goes on. Can you imagine doing business like that?

God’s promised blessing was for those who obeyed. Who wouldn’t want to obey God to have their debts forgiven every seven years? I realize I’m writing these words in a time when the economy has taken a big hit from a pandemic. Many are wondering how they are going to make their mortgage payments and car payments. They are watching their credit card debt skyrocket. Oh, to have a year of release coming up would be like answered prayer! Some communities around the world are doing something to lessen the financial blow by not expecting payments for rent or other debts, no interest or penalty charges to be applied, and so forth. That will be a huge relief to many.

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