Keep in mind Paul is still responding to the people’s concern about refraining from having sex when he shares what’s appropriate for single people, particularly people whose spouses have died. Not burning with lust seems to be tied to not being able to control themselves. For those who find themselves in that camp, the solution is marriage. Is it safe to assume then that “lust” is one of those sexual sins we should avoid? Certainly, lust can easily lure the individual into sinful behavior that would be harmful.
Verses 10 and 11 are not my favorite having been divorced from my first husband and remarried to the man of my dreams. Paul makes a special point to say this is a “command that comes not from me, but from the Lord.” I have reconciled my abusive first marriage with God, but if you struggle feeling like these words are meant solely for you today, then talk with God about the forgiveness he offers. Reach out to me privately from our Facebook group (or by email).
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