I had forgotten how much I love this chapter. There are so many helpful things, I’m going to break it into a couple of days. But the overall theme is unity. Paul starts by addressing the relationships between people who are strong in their faith and weak in their faith. When differences of opinion arise, and they will, he cautions both sides to seek unity and avoid confrontation, which can quickly escalate to condemnation.
Romans 14 might be one of those chapters you bookmark to return to time and time again. Such profound truth on unity in relationships. After all, we are continually meeting and interacting with new people. That’s the beauty of life and building relationships. What are Paul’s three nuggets of wisdom for this? Let’s check it out.
(1) Christians (weak or strong) are servants of God, and they should not be questioned. This is a Biblical truth apparently. Other Christians are in God’s household, and what happens in a given household is that household’s business. They are servants of God, too, probably just as devoted as we are to serving God. Therefore, God is in charge of them. Not us.
(2) Christians live to please and honor God, so who are we to question how they live? Maybe we don’t understand because their way of life is different than ours or anything we’ve experienced. How many times in life do we see others doing something we’d never think in a million years we’d do ourselves and judge them for it? That’s a dangerous, slippery slope. This is such a good bit of wisdom!
(3) It is improper to condemn a fellow Christian because we are not in the business of judging, that’s God’s department alone. When we catch ourselves starting to go down that path, we need to reign ourselves in. Playing judge is like playing God, and that can only lead to destruction. God is God, and we are not. We need to remember who is in control. Certainly, God has it figured out, and it’s not up to us to condemn a fellow Christian. Ever.
Instead of looking at the other guy, we need to look deep within. That’s probably the whole point of this. If we are too busy looking into everyone else’s life, what they are doing or not doing, we might be missing out on living ours.
We need to remember whose we are and live our life in allegiance to him. Paul’s words to us, “Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to God.’” Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God.“
I want God’s words to me to be – “you were a good and faithful servant.”

Let’s pray. Lord, this passage is quite something and spoke to me on so many levels today. Forgive me when I am focusing on other people’s issues. That is between you and them. Guard my mind to help me steer clear of negative things. Use me to help as many people as possible. May they all see you working in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.