Have you ever exceeded the speed limit? I know I’m not the only lead foot to walk around this planet. Moving to Mexico has definitely changed all of that. We really can’t drive fast on the cobblestone. And on the highway, there’s something about looking down and seeing “100” on my dashboard. We’re in kilometers here. (So, like 62 mph.) I feel like I’m flying!
This text was one I would read to keep me paying attention to the speed limit. It’s a law after all. And today’s reading tells us “Everyone must submit to governing authorities.” I remember the first time I was directed to this passage. It was probably after receiving a speeding ticket or being put in my place after talking about my propensity to exceed the speed limit. Until that day, I had no idea it was also a Biblical truth I should be obeying.
What if we don’t agree with our government or leaders in authority positions? I don’t know about you, but I certainly have seen a lot of frustration over the past 10 years or so. It seems like nobody is ever happy. Maybe they don’t know about these verses? I’d sure like to think that’s the case when it comes to all of the negative talk we hear about politics.
It’s not just a “thing” in the United States. Having lived in Mexico for a while, I know there has been dissatisfaction with leadership here as well. And from news accounts, there are governments all around the world who are under attack for one reason or another.
When we pay attention to what Scripture says, we need to accept that God has put leadership in place. If we rebel, we are the ones punished. Don’t forget all of the evil leaders in the Old Testament. They each had their place in history. God uses all leaders, then and now, for his purposes. We need to trust and obey God.
Interestingly, think of Pilate. He was the ruler responsible for punishing Jesus, an innocent man. Remember the conversation he had with Jesus in John 19:10. “Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?’ Jesus answered him, ‘You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.’”
Like it or not, our authority figures should be respected and obeyed. There is probably a lot more we can say about this. Go ahead and re-read this passage. We should be praying for our leaders. We should be praying they follow God’s leading in their own leadership. And, we should obey the law.

Let’s pray. Lord, I give you thanks for another day to live in your world. Help me to be in tune with what the laws are that should be followed. I know that I want to follow the laws you have set in place. Help me to be a more obedient child. I pray for peace around this troubled world. I pray that you will soften the hearts of those who are rebelling against you and the powers in authority. In Jesus’ name. Amen.