Don’t you love reading a few proverbs of wisdom every day? It’s so refreshing to see so many different ideas being covered. Some really hit home and cause me to re-evaluate my choices. I’m guessing if I read this same passage a month from now a different proverb would speak to me (though I certainly never hope to be a quarrelsome wife)!
Today let’s focus on verse 3 which reads, “The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.” Interesting when you think of all the passages that talk about sacrifices as a way to atone for sinfulness. It’s a chicken and the egg phenomena. If we don’t misbehave and do wrong and unjust things, we don’t need sacrifices anyway. God would rather we lives our lives in a way that is pleasing to him, and it will also be pleasing for us. But even when we give it our best, we still sin. It’s in our nature.
Thankfully, God knows what’s best for us. He knows that when we act in a right and just manner, there are rewards. Not only do we please God, but we have the satisfaction of a job well done. We don’t have to cower in fear having done wrong. We don’t have to wonder about how what sacrifice would be appropriate. We don’t have to be ashamed.
Granted, those of us who follow Jesus know that Jesus gave his life as the ultimate sacrifice. We don’t have to sacrifice animals anymore for our sins. So how do we reconcile this verse knowing that Jesus paid the price for us? When we sin in a way that is obvious or even on purpose, it’s like we pounded our own nail into Jesus’ body. That is certainly not a pretty picture. Just the thought, makes me shudder and want to be a better follower.
What Jesus did for us on the cross may have negated our need to sacrifice animals, but it doesn’t give us permission to sin. We should be even more focused on pleasing God. The verse right before this (verse 2) is fitting as well, “People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.” We may think we’re doing the right thing. What if we’re just going through the motions? God can see into our heart.
What Jesus did for us on the cross negated our need to sacrifice animals, but it doesn’t give us free rein to sin. We should be even more focused on pleasing God. The verse right before this (verse 2) is fitting as well, “People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.” We may think we’re doing the right thing. What if we’re just going through the motions? God can see into our heart.
I’ve heard people say that they’ll live their life the way they want to, without regard for what God says. They think that all they have to do is “say the prayer” at the end of their life. What if the end comes before they “say the prayer?” Better yet, does “saying the prayer” alone grant forgiveness? Verse 2 would indicate that God will look at our heart, our intention. He will have the final say. Lip service does not cut it for God.
Do you need to do some housekeeping in your heart? What are your motivations in life–to please God or to please yourself? God knows whether we are living right and just lives. Take some time today to look into your own heart. What is God seeing?

Let’s pray … Lord, forgive me and my focus on my own agenda and pleasures. Help me to be more focused on you and what you have for me. May I never forget the great sacrifice you made for me. Help me do a better job of living a life that is pleasing to you. May that be my focus. I want to draw closer to you every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.