With each day that passes, we are all a little closer to heaven. For some, this thought evokes fear and dread. For others, like Paul in today’s reading, we long to be with Jesus. Even Paul realized there is much work to be done before that day comes. It is up to us to make the best of the days God has gifted us. In all that we do, we just honor Jesus.
I saw an interesting quote yesterday that got me thinking. “What you do today better be important because you are trading a day of your life for it.” I don’t remember if there was somebody important that said that or not, so I apologize if that was your wisdom or if I’m not giving proper credit. Think on that for a minute.
What are you going to do today? Will it impact the kingdom of God in anyway? Is there a way you can change it up at all? This could be as simple as making a phone call to an old friend to catch up and encourage. Stopping down at the local soup kitchen and donating an hour of time, smiling at everyone you encounter. I’m going to go get my hair cut, and while my hairdresser doesn’t speak a word of English, I’m going to find a way to bless him.
Do you ever make excuses? I’m too busy. I’m too shy. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t know Jesus. I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing.
Now think about this – what does it mean to “live for Christ”? Paul sees it as his mission to help others grow and experience the joy of their faith. That is what we are called to do as well. How can we help others do this if we aren’t growing or feeling the joy. Let’s start there.
Spend time in prayer today and ask God to reveal the area of your life he’d like you to work on. Maybe it’s a physical challenge, like to walk for 30 minutes a day. During those 30 minutes, also engage with Jesus. Have that conversation with him that you so often put off. Maybe it’s a quiet time challenge, and you’ll devote 30 minutes a day to reading and journaling your thoughts and prayers to God.
We need to grow in the Lord, feel joy from his provision, and share that. We can’t say anything wrong when we share how God has touched us.
Let’s pray. Father, thank you for the nudge today. It’s a good reminder that we are all longing for the day when we are in your presence. Yet, there is so much more to be done here on earth. Show me the path you want for me to take today. Put the words in my mouth that will help uplift those around me. Use me to be your beacon of hope in this lost and crazy world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.