Lest there be any questions about what Moses has already shared about offerings, God makes some quick clarifications. I do apologize for the longer reading than normal. It’s not my usual “Devotions on the Go!” style. But since offerings are not presented in this way anymore, I made an exception to move on. I may even do this in future readings because some of the laws we’ll encounter are not ones we practice as Christians.
It’s important for me at least to know all of the laws God felt were necessary for his people. We’ve already seen how they have been for the “good health” of his people. To have such rituals in place, God’s people would have to be active in their faith in ways we don’t have to.
Understanding the systems of offerings and sacrificing of animals, birds, and grains is helpful, along with the ordination process we read about in the midst of all these further instructions. Were you surprised by any of the additions?
For me, I’m starting to see how much work this system was for the priests. Moses just shared another layer or two of duties for them. In particular, a round the clock fire watcher to keep the burnt offerings burning continuously. It sounds like they become the base for whatever other offering is being burned through the day.
God must have really appreciated those priests who served him in this way. By their actions, they were like God’s hands and feet here on earth bringing forgiveness for the people. What an honor it would have been to be a priest and serve God in such an impactful way. Even if there was a lot of work involved, including some heavy labor.
Aaron and his sons were those honored to begin these traditions. I can only fathom the many years that followed when these practices continued in the Temple once that was built, twice. With no temple now (or during exile), God’s people set aside these practices.
How God provides for his servants is another message that rings out in these instructions. Can you imagine being one on the receiving end of this message from God? “I have given it to the priests as their share of the special gifts presented to me.” The priests were cared for by God himself by means of what the people had given God. I hope the priests were grateful for that holy food!
A word of caution, don’t get caught up in all the details here of something we don’t do anymore. Be happy to know the history and more of God’s character. We learn more about God by digging deeper into His word. Every chapter and verse holds the truth.
The last message I got from this is that God doesn’t want the people to be unclean you be “cut off from the community.” When you’re unclean in a Biblical sense, you need to be cleansed from time to time. Translated into today’s world, God sped up our redemption when he sent Jesus to replace the sacrificial system. Christians believe Jesus is our only way to stay connected to the Father.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for being my saving grace. When troubles come, I have confidence in you. I am so honored to be your servant and your child. I know your wisdom is without measure and am beyond grateful you share it with me. Help me to see how you have equipped me so I can live in your will. I thank you for the passion you have ignited in my soul. May it be contagious and overflow to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thanks again for encouraging me to look to the perfect atoning sacrifice.