Job 32:1-22 – It’s Elihu’s Turn

Read Job 32:1-22

Out of nowhere, a new “friend” makes some noise after respectfully waiting his turn. Elihu now begins his rant about Job’s known dilemma. Did you find it helpful? Do you think Job did? Perhaps Job was so surprised by Elihu’s words that he needed time to process what was just said.

Elihu seemed a bit arrogant at first, but then I appreciated his restraint and respect. So many young people these days would have blurted out what they were feeling with little regard for their elders. (Disclaimer: Not all youth are included in this generalization!)

Jesus mentioned wineskins, too, in an example he once made. The “bursting” Jesus spoke of was the eruption that will take place when his new kingdom is fully revealed. In Luke 5:37-39, Jesus teaches, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the new wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine must be stored in new wineskins. But no one who drinks the old wine seems to want the new wine. ‘The old is just fine,’ they say.”

Jesus spoke of new wine, or the “new covenant,” being put in old wineskins, or the old traditions. Jesus ushered in the new covenant which changed some of the old traditions and blew others out of the water. I know Elihu had no idea Jesus would use the wineskin example, too, or that it would speak to me thousands of years later. But I love when Scripture points to itself for us, opening up new and fresh understanding of familiar passages.

Job now has another friend weighing in on the situation. Elihu doesn’t just point fingers at Job. In Elihu’s opinion, Job’s other friends are not blameless for how they have been responding to Job. Elihu’s vantage point has given him an interesting position. This is not the last of what Elihu is going to share. I feel like he is just getting started.

For now, take time to reflect on how you feel like bursting sometime—bursting with your love and awe of our King Jesus. All Scripture points to Jesus and his redemptive work. Marvel at what Jesus has done for You!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father God, thank you for all that you have endured for me. Job’s life reflects the suffering we can encounter in this world and reminds me to cling to you and seek the shelter in you during those times of trial. Deliver me from testing and forgive me for my weakness. Strengthen me for your service. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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