Job 25:1-6 – Short & Sweet

man standing on shore looking into oncoming lights with ring of light around them

Read Job 25:1-6

Bildad’s words may be fewer than before, but those words say quite a lot. We not only see God through Bildad’s eyes, but we also see how Bildad responds to Job’s challenge from our last reading.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a maggot? Bildad calls people maggots, and we are people. When compared to God’s importance and brilliance in this world, yes, we are specks. Yet God cares deeply for these specks of his.

Presumably the people of whom Bildad speaks are just common folk like him. We know the human condition is sinful, so Bildad’s statement or question is spot on. “How can a mortal be innocent before God?” It’s as if the apostle Paul chose to respond it’s impossible by saying in Romans 3:23, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

It was the second part of verse 4 that baffles me. “Can anyone born of a woman be pure?” I’m sure there must be context here, particularly Biblical times protocol that has referred to a woman’s purity. I understand that is why infant baptism is so popular with some Christians. It’s the tradition I grew up with, although it’s different now in Mexico.

Jesus also makes the point to teach us that a child does not carry the sins of its parents or relatives. I remember the story of the blind man and how his own disciples insisted on knowing whose sins had caused the man’s blindness. This is what Jesus told them in John 9:3, “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.” When the power of God, which I think of as the Holy Spirit, works through you, there is no better feeling and realization. Mighty things can happen. It’s like you are a mere vessel allowing God’s presence to be where you are. Isn’t it fantastic?

Bildad may not think very highly of the human condition, but he has an apparent respect for God, as he should. We see in the book of Job how faithful men can see things differently but still love God and seek His favor. Bildad is just not displaying the kind of love we would expect followers of Jesus to show. Different time, different mindset!

Fun fact, that in John Chapter 9, quoted from above, the very next example Jesus makes of himself is that he is the light of the world. Bildad makes several references to God shining his light. I love when Bible verses seem to support each other or fit together in some way.

Take some time today to marvel at the wonderful God we have. Father, Son, and Spirit all watching over us. Hallelujah!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father, you are incredible, all-knowing, forgiving, merciful, loving, and so much more. You have created me for this time and place. At times I feel under attack, Lord. Help me stand against the evil one who wants to fill my head with lies. I want to be in your will and do the things that will please you. I don’t seek glory, but only to glorify you. Empty my heart of me and my desires so that I will be open and ready to be filled with you and your way. Your future for me is so much better than I could ever imagine. May you shine through me so I can be a blessing to those I encounter today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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