Job 22:1-30 – Eliphaz’s Final Speech

listening to God's word

Read Job 22:1-30

We begin the third round of discussion between friends, although it seems more like a debate. Didn’t Eliphaz pay attention to Job’s last observation about wickedness? Eliphaz doesn’t tread lightly but makes a brutal attack on Job’s character and condition making it clear he thinks Job is one of the wicked ones.

I have an answer to Eliphaz’s first question. “Can a person do anything to help God?” Eliphaz may have meant it as a slam against Job, but there is at least one thing we can do to help God and further his kingdom. We can be good witnesses to God’s love and compassion, to his power and might. We plant seeds of faith that can then be nurtured by God into a living relationship with God. Have you ever had the privilege of introducing anyone to God?

Eliphaz makes a lot of assumptions here about what Job “must have” done. How do you think Job felt to be misjudged like this? None of us are sinless, but who was Eliphaz to be throwing so many “stones” at Job?

Think of the story of the woman being caught in adultery, and how the religious folks wanted to stone her to death for his sin because that was the law. Remember what Jesus said to the crowd? Jesus said in John 8:7, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” It’s easy for us to point fingers at other sinners, but sometimes we need to look in the mirror first.

Eliphaz was convinced Job was not the God-fearing man everyone once thought. There could be no other reason for Job’s misery than punishment for his wickedness. This has been the common theme between Job’s friends. Good friends should speak the truth in love, even when it’s hard, but these attacks on Job were certainly not the truth.

According to Eliphaz, all Job needed to do was repent. “Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.” If Job’s wickedness had been the problem, this would be the perfect counsel. These words of wisdom are exactly what those far from God need to hear. Job was not one of those people.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Eliphaz’ statements about God in these closing verses. But Job wasn’t the correct audience to hear this message. Eliphaz was “preaching to the choir,” as they say.

We may not be wicked people either, but hearing our peace comes from God alone is always a good thing. Reminding us that God alone is our treasure keeps us from getting too caught up in our desire for more and more “stuff.” Eliphaz points out that God wants to be and is active in our lives.

How do you respond to knowing God is all powerful, all knowing, all loving, and still wants to be in a relationship with you? The same God who was looking out for Job is looking out for you. Whatever battles may be raging in your life right now, be confident that God is protecting you. That’s the message we can take from Job’s example.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father God, forgive me when I lose my way and let sinful behaviors infiltrate. I love that you are omnipotent yet loving, and still you care for me. Watch my steps today that I might be on the path you have designed for me. Help me not to stumble over my own efforts and desires. I am so grateful for your protection and provision. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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