Read Job 2:1-10
Again we see Job being tested. This time, we also see his wife and her attitude toward all that is going on. She has lost her children, and still the Accuser is seeking more access to Job from God. This access will make Job sick.
Boils doing sound like a lot of fun. Even his wife thinks the best thing he can do is just give in, blame God, and die. I sense a very hurt woman having a hard time with all of troubles that she is facing. Her faith is not as steady as Job’s apparently.
But Job’s faith seems to be stronger than most people’s. At least that’s what the Accuser thinks. He has to be as surprised as anyone when Job continues to be faithful, even when he’s within inches of his own death.
Job doesn’t know that God set limits on what this evil one can do. Job can’t die. Despite the agony, Job knows to trust God for whatever the outcome is. Do you have that same level of trust?
If you’ve ever lived through a natural disaster or family crisis, it can be hard to believe there will be an end to the suffering or devastation to your life. Those seasons of life are not pleasant. How much better it is to walk through those hard times with Jesus holding your hand as a good friend would.
Job didn’t know Jesus. But he knew and trusted God. He saw the bad coming from God just like all the good had been a gift from God. It’s hard for us to fathom thinking one could still remain faithful to the God who had caused such pain.
We know what happened behind the scenes. Satan had gotten the okay to test Job, God’s faithful one. It was Satan bringing the testing, not God. Job wrongly gave God credit for something he didn’t do directly. No matter Job’s mindset, he stayed faithful as God had expected.
Are you feeling like you are being attacked by some unpleasant circumstances of life? How strong are you feeling against the forces of evil? I am certainly glad that I have the power of God sustaining me through the good and bad times. I certainly don’t want to cave in and not be giving God the glory with my life. It is such an honor to truly experience the goodness of God.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for having me securely in your hands. I can be bold in professing my faith and know you have my back. Help me to see the opportunities you open to me to share about you and your love. There are too many people that just don’t realize the depth of your love for them. May I stand firm in my faith as I shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.