Read Job 13:20-14:6
Job mustered up a lot of courage in our last reading, and now he boldly takes his stand before God. Job covers a lot of ground. Is there anything we can learn from how he approached God?
Job starts by asking for two things. “Remove your heavy hand from me, and don’t terrify me with your awesome presence.” It’s helpful to remember that Job has never wavered in his awe of the LORD. Job wants to understand what has happened to him and why.
Do you think Job anticipates that God will respond when he asks, “Tell me, what have I done wrong?” That is the question that haunts Job. It seems it would be a lot easier to accept all of the loss he has lived through if only he knew what he had done to deserve it. Job hints at the same question from a couple different angles. Have you ever asked God to reveal your sins to you asking “how have I messed up?”
Job is on a roll, telling God what God has done–from Job’s perspective, that is. We often put limits on God because we don’t know any better. Our knowledge and wisdom are limited in comparison to God. The understanding we have is finite and usually influenced by our surroundings, upbringing, etc. It’s foolish for us to believe we understand God. Rather we should remain in awe of him and his ways.
That second part, respecting God’s ways, was where Job got stuck. When it came to what had befallen him, Job couldn’t handle the uncertainty. Job’s fear of the LORD is commendable, but sometimes it’s not healthy. The wrong kind of fear of God is when we’re afraid God will hurt us. The right kind is being afraid we will hurt God. Think on that difference for a moment.
Have you ever wracked your brain trying to figure out why something happened to you? Or perhaps you played the situation over and over wondering how you could have done better? Sometimes those kind of self-evaluations are helpful. Other times they simply distract us from moving forward. Asking God to help you sort it out seems to be a good idea, one Job is trying in this moment.
If you’re like me, you want to do things the right way, God’s way. For much of my life, I focused on doing things the most effective way. I suppose that was having “efficiency” beaten into my brain for years. I still get frustrated when people around me are lazy and unmotivated to be best they can be.
For Job, he just wanted answers. And, apparently, based on what he says at the end of this reading, he wanted God to leave him alone. Does that mean Job recognized God was intervening to help sustain him through his grief? Or did Job want God to leave him so that nothing else bad would happen to him?
The psalmist has a great prayer along these same lines. Psalm 139:23-24 reads, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Make that part of your prayer today.
Let’s pray. LORD, close out the distractions so I can hear your message for me today. You know my desire to do your will and live my life in a manner that pleases you. Forgive me when I fall short. Give me discernment in each conversation I have. May I continue to marvel and be in awe of you. Show me how I can serve you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.