This was such an interesting passage. God can use anybody for his purposes. How unlikely was it for Isaiah’s audience to believe that God would use the Assyrian army in this way? Certainly, the king of Assyria would never in a million years want to give credit where credit was actually due. I don’t think God expected him to, but he did want his own people to see the purpose and intention behind what was about to happen.
Can’t you just picture the king of Assyria beating his chest with such pride and accomplishment? Without the power of God backing his efforts, he would have had little to celebrate. How often does God work on our behalf and we fail to give him credit? I’m sure if I took time to really reflect on some of my major life accomplishments, I would have to readily admit it had to be God. That’s not to say I’m a slouch or anything. God simply amplifies our success with his power.
I don’t know about you, but when I reflect on examples from my own life where I know God intervened, I’m filled with warmth and a sense of peace. It energizes me just knowing God has my back and is blessing my steps. It makes navigating the day just that much less daunting. If you struggle with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, imagine that God is there cheering you on.
What else can we glean from today’s reading? Look at how God responds to the king’s evil boasting. “Therefore, the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, will send a plague among Assyria’s proud troops, and a flaming fire will consume its glory.” In a single night, God will destroy the warriors of Assyria who he had just employed. The time of celebration would come to an abrupt halt. Assyria’s warriors will waste away with only a few remaining. This was a promise the people could be watching for. God would use the Assyrians to destroy his own people, and then turn around and destroy them.
We, too, can be useful tools for God’s purposes. To say God can’t use us is limiting God. However, we should be careful not to take credit and make boastful comments. God has equipped each of us with our own gifts and abilities. When we use those gifts to reflect God in our life and to further his kingdom in the world, we are employed as God’s agents. When we use our gifts for our own personal gain without giving thanks to God, we aren’t any better than the leaders of Assyria.
The last reflection I have from the reading is that God can and will use people who we might least expect. We probably won’t get a prophecy showing us who those unlikely candidates might be. Yet, when we are vigilant and watchful to the world around us, we might be able to recognize God’s hand at work in the most unusual of places. Consider 1 Corinthians 1:27, “Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.”
If you are feeling empowered and ready to be used by God, take some time today to tell him. Then be ready for the ride of your life! (Example – I would never have imagined I’d be living in the mountains of Mexico, writing this devotional and publishing books…)

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for using me in the ways that you do each day. I am so grateful for the gifts you have given me and for the time I can devote to you. Help me to see you clearly in your Word as I grow closer to you each day. Keep my mind clear of distractions. Forgive me when I try to take credit for your hand at work in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.