Read Ezra 2:1-70
I’m marveling at the details we are given here. When you move thousands of people, animals, and treasures, the need for a good plan is crucial. I found myself skimming over the names, looking for someone I recognized. I’m glad I didn’t have to recite this passage out loud. Nobody likes it when their names are mispronounced!
Why do you think God included this exhaustive list as part of his holy word? Think of it as our way to stay connected with the community of God’s people. We have a better visual of who people were who were called to lead the charge of Israel’s restoration period. Each of these individuals are heroes in my opinion.
What we don’t hear about is the potentially grueling journey back to their homeland. While the direct route today would be approximately 750 miles, in ancient times, following the river would have increased that trek to 1,700 miles. There were animals that could have been ridden, but they were likely carrying all the treasures.
Take a bit of time today to just think about that journey–the sacrifices and exhaustion. But God was with them. We often take the conveniences of cars, trains, and planes for granted. When was the last time you walked a mile or two? For me, it was just yesterday, and I was ready for a nap when I got home!
Was there anything else that you found curious? The importance of genealogies is clear by the records they kept of those returning. Certain privileges were reserved for members of certain tribes. If you lost your credentials, you lost your ability to receive those benefits.
This list reminds us of those people who God used to “start over” as the reconstruction begins. God’s promises to Abraham and David would be fulfilled through them. As followers of Jesus we are grated into that lineage (see Romans 11:17). We have access to the promises of God, too.
We all play our part in God’s story of love and redemption. This list of folks will be instrumental in the reconstruction of the temple. What has God called you to do to further the kingdom?

Let’s pray. Father God, I give you thanks for how you choose us and use us for your purposes. It’s a good reminder to reflect on the huge number of people returning from exile to be used by you. I can only imagine what was going on in their minds as they traveled all that way. May I learn from them to trust you for all provision and rest in your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.