Ezekiel 22:23-31 – He Found Nobody!

little girl in red shirt looking up with binoculars

Read Ezekiel 22:23-31

No wonder the Israelites were disobedient – it trickled down from corrupt leadership. We’ve heard that before, but what struck me was that God could find nobody in all the land who “might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land.” I suppose if someone was at one time devoted, it would be easy to convert to idol worshippers just to be popular or accepted by society. It’s powerful to know God didn’t want to have to resort to total destruction. The people clearly did bring it on themselves with their disobedience and irreverence.

Even today we have pockets of believers living amidst those caught up in the snare of evil. It can be hard to not give in to fit in mindset. Thankfully God would still be able to find somebody to help him rebuild those walls. These verses speak volumes about the importance of having godly leaders, don’t they?

Even the priests are called out! Weren’t they supposed to be God’s holy ones? What happened there? Holy people are still people with selfish desires and distractions closing in from every direction. I’m concerned for pastors today and all the pressures they have when responding to societal issues from a Biblical perspective. You may have even encountered one who “caved” and you’re wondering how relevant his preaching should be anymore considering his agenda.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen how some preachers are falling into the same traps as those false prophets were from this passage. “And your prophets cover up for them by announcing false visions and making lying predictions. They say, ‘My message is from the Sovereign Lord,’ when the Lord hasn’t spoken a single word to them.” I’ve heard too many “watered-down” sermons lately because pastors are attempting to make everyone feel good.

Sin is sin. People are going to sin. It’s been happening since Adam and Eve ate that forbidden fruit. No matter how hard we try to be good and honor God with every waking breath, we always fall so very short. Let’s face it. It’s a hard time to be a Christian.

I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure that God notices me as devoted when he’s looking for someone to shine for him. I know God will empower me to do whatever it is he’ll be asking.

Learning what pleases and displeases God is a good place to start. Reading through Ezekiel has been a great education. What changes need to be made to be the best ambassador for God?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, I do want to shine for you and represent you well in all my actions and words. Empower me for each conversation that points to you. Help me be crystal clear in my devotion to you. Forgive me for those times I fall short. I am always so ashamed for letting you down. Thank you that your welcoming arms are always there to catch me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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