Read Ezekiel 20:27-49
The messages from the Sovereign LORD seem to repeat themselves over and over again, don’t they? I suppose that speaks to the hard-headedness of people. On average, it takes some of us hearing something more than once to understand or take action. The LORD wants to be known and recognized.
One of those repeating themes is the lament over the sins of their ancestors. Some of the things that anger God the most took place in those days. The one that gets me is the sacrificing of children. Working with children like I do, especially those abused and abandoned, it breaks my heart that they were not shown the love they deserve. How about all the innocent children who have been put to death?
God detests idol worship. There should be no doubt because the message repeats. The idols have changed over the years, but really an idol can be anything you worship like you do God. Sadly, maybe God is only getting the leftovers and not the first fruits of our adoration.
Some of the idols include famous people including movies tars and sports figures. With so much focus on self these days, it’s refreshing when some of those “idols” of today actually point back to Jesus with their own faith stories. Other idols can be money, fame, power, to name just a few. What are idols you’ve destroyed in your own life?
All people worry about appearances to some degree and want to be like (or better than) their neighbors. Sound familiar? These same rebellious Israelites thought they wanted a king years before. God was the Everlasting King. In honoring their selfish, prideful cry, God allowed a king. God also made a way for the kingdoms of the world to unite with the kingdom of heaven. How did he do that? By sending Jesus as the forever King to reign.
God promises judgment will come. “I will examine you carefully and hold you to the terms of the covenant. I will purge you of all those who rebel and revolt against me.” I’m not sure I can picture a world in which all of those who rebel or revolt against our precious LORD are not to be found. Can you? But such a beautiful future there is to come. How can we not hold on with hope. But there is judgment, too.
God offers hope of restoration and return from exile to some. God says, “I will display my holiness through you as all the nations watch.” Those faithful ones will be returned home safely when the exile and fury of God have dispersed. God’s people will set an example others would be wise to follow. I feel this could also be a message to us Christ-followers looking forward to the day we return home as we’re just sojourners in this place.
This message also suggests that God’s elect will be repentant of any wrongs they have committed against God. For those of us who have read God’s word and know what pleases him. There are plenty of people who don’t know those “secrets” either by choice or by not knowing. For them, my heart breaks, too. There is such a grand reward awaiting us some day. Jesus said it was so.
Hearing the same message again is just fine with me. Seeing it in different places for different audiences makes the message even more powerful. It also means it’s a message that can continue to repeat. We need to be mindful of that.
Let’s pray. LORD, thank you for how your message of love never grows old. You hope and desire that we love and obey you. You’ve given your word, your very own Son for me. There are no words to sufficiently share the extent of gratitude and awe that I feel. You are my forever King. In Jesus’ name. Amen.