Ezekiel 10:1-22 – The Glory of the LORD

bright colorful light burst as the glory of the Lord

Read Daniel 10:1-22

In our last reading, Ezekiel spoke of the glory of the LORD being on the move when he wrote, “Then the glory of the God of Israel rose up from between the cherubim, where it had rested, and moved to the entrance of the Temple.” At that point, the glory of the LORD had not left completely. We read those same words in this reading, but God doesn’t stop at the door.

If you recognize the descriptions given of these cherubim, you have a good memory. Ezekiel has seen these cherubim or heavenly beings before in his first vision. Their appearance is totally unforgettable. What was the most striking feature for you?

For me, it was the covering of eyes on each cherubim and their wheels. What were those eyes watching? Could they see the sins of the people? As agents of God, they would certainly be positioned to give God details of what was happening in the world. It’s one way to picture how our God who sees everything does what he does.

I was curious about the repetition of the details between the two visions. While it seemed comforting, as if reuniting with an old friend, I still wonder why we were seeing these creatures, now called cherubim, with the wheels again. I suppose that was an efficient way of assisting the glory of the LORD to leave the temple completely.

Ezekiel sees more in this vision. The man in linen who had spared the faithful is now taking coals from the fire. He is told by the LORD to spread them around the city. In addition to the promised siege of Jerusalem, this part of the vision suggests Jerusalem will also burn.

This is significant because we read about how the fire destroys Jerusalem in 2 Kings 25:9 which reads, “He burned down the Temple of the Lord, the royal palace, and all the houses of Jerusalem. He destroyed all the important buildings in the city.” Ezekiel’s prophetic words would soon be realized.

What do you think it was like to actually see the glory of the LORD? The word glory as a noun appears over 600 times in the Bible. I’ve always thought of the glory of the LORD as the indescribable brightness of God’s radiance. It’s God’s presence shining like the sun in the presence of his people. How magnificent it must have been to see, but how tragic that God’s presence was leaving Jerusalem.

We can experience God’s presence our lives when we spend time in his word and in prayer. We may not see a bright, blinding light, but we can often feel the warmth of it’s light. Take some time today to just sit in reverence, knowing you are in the presence of God.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, thank you for surrounding me with your presence. Help me to sense you and draw closer to you. Fill me anew with your light so that I can shine brightly for you. This dark world needs your illumination. Use me to shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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