Wasn’t this an interesting collection of things to do or not do? As I’ve been reflecting on them, I’m not sure I can categorize them other than to say, pay attention! God obviously has his reasons for wanting things this way for his people. Kindness may be a common theme. Yet, who are we to question God?
Was there anything on this laundry list of items that surprised you in any way? For me, it was the birds. I remember recently seeing a bird’s nest outside our door at church. It was fun to watch the progression. The parent birds were busy for days creating a home for their family. Then the babies hatched. In the days that followed, those babies were so crowded in the nest (like sardines). Their chirping got to be so loud I had to turn my microphone up (just kidding)! I was thrilled when the momma bird pushed the babies out because they were ready to fly. But why would there be a promise of a long life if you took the babies away from their mother? Interesting!
When it comes to watching out for our neighbor, I think that’s what really resonated with me. We can all do a better job of that, don’t you think? How many times have you looked the other way when you could have been helpful? Why do we do that? Are we too busy? Afraid to get involved? I didn’t realize God spelled it out so clearly. I don’t think this is a message meant only for the Israelites that day. Do you?
I’ll have to defer to farmers for the reference to crops. But as for the plow, I understand that donkey’s have bad breath. It also brought to mind the verse from 2 Corinthians 6:14, “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?” There probably are good reasons you don’t mix crops, types of cloth, etc., and it’s my guess the hidden meaning is that he wants to keep his people pure and not mixed with other peoples, non-believers. Again, if God ordains it, we should pay attention.
As for clothing we wear, I certainly don’t want God to “detest” me for wearing slacks. Thankfully, I love wearing skirts and dresses–especially here in Mexico because they are “cooler” than wearing pants. Is that what it means? Or does it mean women trying to be like men by wearing their clothes and visa versa? There has been an increase in the number of men who “cross-dress,” and it seems “drag queens” are getting more and more positive attention in our culture today. Is that detestable to God? This passage would lead me to say, “yes!” However, think of the clothes they had in Moses’ day. To distinguish between the wardrobes of women and men was a lot less clear than it is today. There had to be something, maybe in the wearing of sashes or belts?
These commands may seem simple and small, but obedience in even these seemingly inconsequential laws shows reverence to God. Not every command has to be life or death for us to want to obey. If God says it, we should be ready to follow and obey.
Let’s pray… Lord, give me an understanding of what I just read and make it clear to me how I can be better at obeying you in the small things. I know you will trust me with much more when I get the obvious things right. Lord, enlarge my territory as you see that I am able. Empower me to do your work and reach out to those who need a word from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.