Do you think this message is just for those stubborn Israelites? When it was delivered it was, but how fitting it is for us even today. It’s a great example of one of those timeless messages the Bible is so full of. In addition to the richness of being a child of God like the Israelites, we, too, have the grace of God and the confidence our sins have been forgiven in Jesus’ name. We should have no excuse but to want to love God with our whole self and obey every word that comes from his mouth.
Just think of how we are positioned for greatness! How can we not want to show our appreciation? Yet, as the Israelites were stubborn, we tend to be selfish. We tend to want more and more, never truly satisfied. I suppose the Israelites had this weakness, too. What God wants from us is pretty simple, and it’s for our own good. Moses said, “He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. And you must always obey the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.”
God is Lord over all. Everything we see belongs to God. “Look, the highest heavens and the earth and everything in it all belong to the Lord your God.” He is the creator and master of the universe. He is our Heavenly Father who loves us like crazy. How does that make you feel? When is the last time you just took some time to think about who God is and then marvel at the fact he loves you? Remarkable. Not that you’re that unlovable. But honestly, we all could use a little work at being more grateful.
Our gratefulness can then spill over into obedience, trust, love, honor, praise—you get my drift? “He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise.” The world will produce its share of fake gods and idols. They were present in Moses’ day, too. That is why God found it necessary to have Moses warn his people, warn us, that we need to be careful of where we put our allegiance and trust.
How are you doing at loving and obeying God? We can show our faith when we live according to God’s instruction. It will set us apart when we love our neighbors, are considerate to the poor and needy, seek justice for those who cannot find their own voice, spend time with God, in his word and in prayer, and worship him alone. How are you doing at loving and obeying God?
Let’s pray … Lord, forgive my wayward heart that gets caught up in the world and all the hype. Give me discernment to see the needs around me. There are so many hurting people in the world, my heart breaks. I know yours does, too. You have taken all of our burdens and sins upon yourself, such a sacrifice for us. Use me to bring hope of your salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.