Proverbs 4:20-27 – Guard Your Heart

Read Proverbs 4:20-27

Chapter 4 has been beautiful guidance from a wise parent. We, as children of God, would be smart to recognize these words as for our own good. I can still hear my mother saying, “this is for your own good” or “I’m only doing this because I love you.” Likewise, this chapter has been full of examples we should take to heart and not question.

When our hearts and minds are full of good things, we can’t help but be good. Solomon tells us these words are “life” to those who find them and “health” to a man’s body. When we guard our hearts with wisdom, we are protecting our whole being.

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Proverbs 4:10-19 – The Key to Life

Read Proverbs 4:10-19

Do you remember hearing about the “birds and the bees” from one of your parents? It was an awkward moment as I remember, but it was information that I needed to know. My body was changing and knowing why made a big difference. Did I like that my childhood seemed like it was ending too soon? No, but I was anxious to be an adult because it looked like such fun.

Fast forward a number of years, and in adulthood I look back and long for the simpler days of being a child. I don’t think I’m alone here. In fact, there is a new verb I’ve heard young adults using, “adulting.” They say something like this – “Boy, I didn’t know adulting was going to be so hard” or “I’m not sure I’m a fan of adulting.” Each stage of life brings a new challenge to be sure.

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Proverbs 4:1-9 – Got Wisdom?

Read Proverbs 4:1-9

Why is it parents get wiser as the years go by? As a young child, those parents can do no wrong. And then, something happens in the teen years. A bit of rebellion perhaps as we seek our independence and realize we have a voice, too. Our parents don’t seem to be as wise, and we often turn to other sources (friends and the world) for our advice and counsel. At some point, we return to our senses realizing our parents, though flawed in their own ways, were always wise.

In today’s reading we see a father remembering his own instruction and giving the same to his children. Wisdom is something we can and should encourage our children to seek, too. Wisdom is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s not like you have it once and then lose it. But it is something to be sought after and nurtured.

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Proverbs 3:21-35 – Be God-like in Your Actions

Read Proverbs 3:21-35

Up to now, we have been reading in Proverbs about the importance of wisdom in our lives. Wisdom comes from God and is full of benefits. Wisdom makes us look good, gives life, keeps us safe, gives us security. According to Solomon, wisdom is fearing God and living a life pleasing to Him. Today’s reading takes us a step further by giving us some concrete examples.

In today’s reading, we are seeing what God-like behavior looks like when it comes to interacting with others. We should have a generous heart ready to serve others now, and not put it off. Even praying for one another can fit in here. How many times have you told someone you’d pray for them? Later comes and hopefully you remember to pray. Why not just pray right there, in the midst of their need?

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Proverbs 3:9-20 – Honoring God

Read Proverbs 3:9-20

There are a lot of nuggets in today’s passage. Which one really resonated with you? The one about wealth, the Lord’s discipline, the familiar lyrics of a song? Wisdom has been with God since creation. And blessed are men who find wisdom. The book of Proverbs is already whetting our appetites to know more, to truly seek wisdom, to be blessed.

Yet, how many of us will read this text and then return to business as usual? Do we really let what we read soak in? Are there things we can do differently in our lives because we are on a mission for wisdom?

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