None of us like to be criticized. The next couple readings are going to focus on Jesus’ criticism of the religious leaders he is encountering. It would be easy to lump all Pharisees into one pot and assume they are all corrupt or misled. That would be devastating to Judaism and to the Jewish people. So when we read Jesus’ words, we need to remember he is calling out what he sees. Also, this is Matthew’s account, his remembrance of Jesus’ words.
How do you handle criticism? It can hurt. In most cases it’s helpful to consider the source. Do you have a level of trust already built up with the person pointing out your faults? We all have “haters”, too. You know those people who are never happy, who want to project their own failures onto you. Who like to dwell in the negative. Even still, it can sting a little to hear that you aren’t appreciated, or that something you’ve done or said is flat out wrong.
Continue reading “Matthew 23:1-12 – Criticism”