Matthew 17:1-13 – What a Light!

Read Matthew 17:1-13

Puzzling isn’t it? For me at least. Why Peter, James, and John? How did they recognize Elijah and Moses? Why didn’t Jesus want them to say anything until after he rose from the dead? Was John the reincarnation of Elijah? Elijah had never died so how could he be born again?

This event is recorded in two other Gospels and in the epistle of 2 Peter. (Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36, and 2 Peter 1:16–18). What is your take away from the account? It was surely an honor to be called by Jesus to accompany him up the mountain. Could it be his last words from yesterday’s reading have now come true?

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Matthew 16:21-28 – Become a True Follower

Read Matthew 16:21-28

In our last reading, Jesus was applauding Peter’s bold statement and gave him the keys to the kingdom. Today, Peter is being called “Satan” by an angry Jesus. Maybe “angry” is too harsh, but Jesus wasn’t pleased with Peter. Why? Peter was in denial. Peter didn’t want to hear Jesus talking about such things as torture and death. Peter couldn’t imagine a life without Jesus in it. Those thoughts were human thoughts.

I’m sure Jesus, being 100% human, was also struggling with the reality of his destiny on earth. I don’t know who in their right mind would be looking forward to being brutalized and killed, especially when they were totally innocent. Yet, Jesus knew what was coming. It was time to prepare his friends for the events to come. For Peter to be in denial was not helping Jesus at all.

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Matthew 16:13-20 – Who is the Son of Man?

Read Matthew 16:13-20

Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was. What do you think they thought when he asked that? They started sharing examples of what they had heard other people say. That was a safe response. But Jesus dug deeper, “what about you?” he asked. I can just picture them looking at each other wondering who was going to open their mouth.

Then it was Peter who spoke for the group, or himself, it’s not specified. But he boldly declared that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. This was the answer Jesus was looking for. But this truth did not come to Peter from any human source. It was a revelation he was given from God. Peter was then set apart from the rest as being the “rock” upon whom Jesus would build his church.

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Matthew 16:1-12 – Beware!

Read Matthew 16:1-12

There are a couple of background details I’d like to share from a commentary I was reading on the Book of Matthew. Suffice it to say that the Pharisees and Sadducees were not in the same camp when it came to religion. There were significant differences between the two, and bringing them together doesn’t necessarily mean they are on the same page. But they both seem intent on discrediting Jesus.

While it is in the law to question a prophet to make sure they are “real” and trustworthy, the way these folks went about it overstepped the boundaries of the law. To question Jesus is one thing, but to ask for a sign from Heaven thus includes God the Father. That is not what the law suggests. At all. You may recall some scribes of the Pharisees came to Jesus several passages ago, and Jesus dismissed them, too.

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Matthew 15:32-39 – 4,000 More!

Read Matthew 15:32-39

This may seem very similar to verses we read in the last chapter when Jesus fed 5,000 men (plus women and children). These are two distinct happenings. We see the number of people following Jesus expanding. In Jesus’ own words, “I have compassion for these people.”

For three days the people have stayed. Jesus has healed many. People were amazed and gave praise to the God of Israel. They understood that much, where the power came from. So what about the disciples? Having already seen a miraculous feeding, where was their faith?

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