Ephesians 3:1-13 – God’s Mysterious Plan

Read Ephesians 3:1-13

We are part of God’s mysterious plan. It was kept hidden until God chose to reveal it to Paul. As followers of Jesus, we share in the same blessings God’s chosen people have been given. When we believe in the Good News, that is in Jesus’ saving grace, we are given access to God.

When you understand the history and how people feared God, we can see how this is a really big deal. Jesus has come and revealed himself to us as God. We now have great treasures available to us. Do you have a hard time believing it? Continue reading “Ephesians 3:1-13 – God’s Mysterious Plan”

Ephesians 2:11-22 – Heathens With Hope

Read Ephesians 2:11-22

We are all united with Christ. Hallelujah. There is no more separation. Jesus took care of that on the cross. The Holy Spirit sealed the deal when he appeared to both Jews and Gentiles. The gap that separated Jews from non-Jews was closed when Jesus died on the cross and broke down the walls of hostility. Non-Jews are no longer seen as heathens. If we are, we are at least heathens with hope. Hope in Christ. Sadly, many Jews and non-Jews today still cling to that separation.

What is God’s intention? Jesus brought peace. He represents the reconciliation we have with God, no matter whether we are Jew or Gentile. God so loved the “world” that he gave his only begotten son. John 3:16 does not say, God so loved the Jews. Although, we know from a historical standpoint that God’s chosen people were the Jews. That fact remains. But God so loved the world. All of us. Jew or Gentile, we are all sinners in need of a savior. Continue reading “Ephesians 2:11-22 – Heathens With Hope”

Ephesians 2:1-10 – Grace

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

Some of my favorite verses are found in today’s reading. You may know that I grew up in the Lutheran tradition, and verse 8 is a key, crucial verse for us. It is by grace that we are saved, not by the good things we have done. I used to teach songs to our children’s ministry kids that emphasized this truth. It is by grace, grace, grace, we have been saved, saved, saved, not of ourselves. It is a gift from God. The best gift of all.

What’s really cool is that God loves us in our mess. We can be going through some really rough stuff and God still loves us. He knows we aren’t strong enough to stop sinning on our own. We are flawed. We are human. Yet he loves us, and his mercy endures forever. When Paul speaks to the Ephesians of being  “dead in the trespasses and sins” he is very much talking to us as well. Paul said we are made alive together with Christ. God never meant for us to be alone, struggling, feeling like we were suffocating in this cruel world. Continue reading “Ephesians 2:1-10 – Grace”

Ephesians 1:15-23 – Spiritually Wise

Read Ephesians 1:15-23

I just love this passage. First of all, the prayer is a prayer I have for each of you, and particularly for each of my children and grandchildren. In this fast-paced, crazy world, the importance of a relationship with God can often get overlooked. I’m as guilty as the next guy. There were times in my life when Sundays couldn’t come fast enough, and the time in between, well, was full of things that kept my eyes focused on other things. Now I see the importance of a relationship with God, and I certainly want spiritual wisdom to grow in my knowledge of God.

For years, I put off my quiet time instead of making it a priority. Now that I am making it a priority, my life feels so much more complete. I feel more confident, more focused, more peaceful. I started this routine before I was retired. I challenged myself to start journaling my reflections. I did that personally with God. He prompted me to share with others. He knew we could use this to reach busy folks. He longs for a relationship with you. Continue reading “Ephesians 1:15-23 – Spiritually Wise”

Ephesians 1:1-14

Read Ephesians 1:1-14

I love Paul’s words here, “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.” That is my wish for you as readers of this devotional as well. There is just so much going on this world today that zaps our peace. We often forget about the free gift of grace that is ours, too. This a good place to start every time we have with God, to remember and thank him for the grace and peace he supplies. Take a moment now to just feel his presence.

How do we respond to God’s grace? Especially when we know that he has planned this for us from the beginning of time? Paul suggests that we “praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.” How do you praise God with your life? Have you ever thought about that? Continue reading “Ephesians 1:1-14”


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