Psalm 45 – A Love Song

Read Psalm 45

My Bible study notes indicate that this psalm was written for a historic occasion, possibly the wedding of Solomon, yet also prophecy to Christ and his bride, the church.  Read it through again, with these contexts in mind.  What do you think?  I could see it as a love song to a bride, but I had a harder time seeing it as a reference to Jesus and us, his church.

There are some real nuggets here that do support the latter.  I see it in the following verses, “God himself has blessed you forever” (the church); “You are so glorious, so majestic” (Jesus); “Defending truth, humility and justice” (Jesus); “your throne, O God, endures forever” (both); “you love what is right and hate what is wrong”.

Jesus delights in us, and we need to come joyfully before him.  How do you feel when you imagine Jesus delighting in you?  Do you feel a bit giddy? Do you feel a little guilty and start to think of your behavior, asking yourself, “Am I giving Jesus my best?”  We need to honor Jesus in all we do.

Let’s pray.  Lord it is humbling to know that you adore us.  God of the universe, creator of all, and yet you care for us, love us without abandon. We come to you today on bended knee.  Forgive us when we fall short of your ideal and help us to give you our best at all times.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 44 – God’s Power

Read Psalm 44

This psalm clearly has a breaking point between praise and the plea.  I could really resonate with both.  It is so important to focus on the goodness of God, what he has done, what he is doing, and what he has yet to do.  We need to focus on his power, the mighty deeds he has done and the pattern seen in Scripture of how he repeatedly rescues his people.  He doesn’t promise a trouble free life, but he does promise salvation.  Couple that praise and awe with our own humility, we know we can’t do it all on our own, although sometimes we try, don’t we?  We need Jesus and the power of God within us.

While much of this psalm focuses on enemies and foes, strength and victory, we must remember what our own foe is.  It may not be a person, but a situation, a struggle, a temptation.  God’s strength to conquer may come in many forms, and this is a good reminder to trust that it will.  God may use the words of Scripture, the counsel of a godly friend, the beauty of his creation, or perhaps a billboard message!

The psalmist seems to have an awareness of God’s presence but feels deserted just the same.  Has this happened to you, maybe it’s happening right now?  You know inside that God is there, but you feel lonesome and afraid of what is lurking just beyond, or in distress by a separation from loved ones, or unsure of God’s will for your future.  I often ask, “God where are you in this world of chaos?”  The key to hold on to is that God is always with us, and NOTHING can separate us from him.

Do you ever question, “why am I here” or  perhaps struggle with feelings of inadequacy in how you handled a situation or wishing you could be more like so-and-so because they have such an amazing personality, or wish you hadn’t wasted time on that project or want to be more of a philanthropist, or want more free time to do something that will make a difference?  Take a moment to think of your struggle or the thing that is really eating at you right now.

I came across some old writings I had done somewhere along the way, and here’s what I wrote that day…”I’m feeling a bit stuck in a rut and while my rut is very comfortable, there is a nagging inside me that there is more.  I could be doing so much more, and yet there is a weariness overtaking me that seems to be pulling me down.  I feel like my feet are stuck in the mud.” Clearly, I needed to focus on God and his strength.

Let’s pray.  Lord, help me light the spark in my life so I can sparkle with your love on those around me.  Help us to look beyond our struggles and focus on your face, on what you have done for us and for those who have come before us.  Draw us into your glory and wash away all doubt and fear.  May your peace be in us this day.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 43 – Our Hope

Read Psalm 43

Hope.  We all need it.  Our hope is in the Lord.  Say that putting emphasis on a different word each time you say it.  Powerful.  I bring this truth to the table from hearing it over and over again in Scripture and praise songs.  “My hope is in you, Lord, in you, it’s in you!”  Here in this passage, the psalmist is feeling overwhelmed by enemy oppression. He looks to God, as should we, as a “safe haven”, a “source of all joy”, “my Savior, my God”.  Did you notice the last few verses of today’s psalm are the same as yesterdays (Psalm 42)?

Action words, such as “defend”, “rescue”, “send light”, “send truth”, “guide”, “lead me” are all over the place in this short psalm.  When trouble comes, we need to rely on and trust the truth, Jesus.  When times are great, we need to rely on and trust Jesus.  The light (God’s word, like a lamp unto my feet) will show us the way.

Do you ever wonder why doesn’t everybody hunger for the light and truth? I think they do but don’t know it.  They have an empty space they are trying to fill with something, so many other things, the wrong things.  I’m sure we are all guilty of this, looking for happiness, fulfillment, peace, hope, all in places that will not satisfy for long.  God made us this way so that we would search for him.  Yet, we often get lost.  We don’t trust the real truth and can fall victim to the darkness and not the light.  Why do we seem to crave darkness when the light is so rich, fulfilling, life-changing, freeing, miraculous and beautiful?

Satan is very crafty and good what he does.  He gets into our heads and fills us with lies.  We are innocent to a point.  God has given us the gift of life, a life to live where choices are ours.  Unfortunately, bad choices happen as we fall prey to Satan.   We must stay strong and true, focused on our Maker and Savior.  We must allow God’s spirit within us to fight the battle and help us prevail over evil for there is where our hope is found.

Enjoy this song from Aaron Shust about hope.  Click here.

How can you shine in your circle of influence today to reveal the truth of Jesus so that others around you, lost in darkness, can see the light?   Ask God to show you these opportunities.

Let’s pray.  Lord, forgive me for my weakness and propensity to seek pleasure apart from your truth and light.  Help me discern these times and send rescue.  Thank you for the hope we have in you, knowing that you are there, ready and able.  Make me a light today to shine with you love. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 42 – Thirst for God

Read Psalm 42


Did you hum along with the first line of this psalm?  That’s an oldie but goodie.  This opening truly speaks to me as I thirst for God.  Are you feeling distant from God, wondering if He is there?  Perhaps you are struggling from grief or sadness, struggling with the loss of a loved one clinging to precious memories of a time gone by.  We all have those things that we hold on to, those things we can’t let go of, perhaps traditions start to become more important than what we’re trying  to memorialize.  Take a moment just to ponder what this might be for you.

Maybe you’ve heard people around you say, “that’s not the way we used to do it”?  I have heard that many times over the years, and I may have even uttered those words myself on occasion.  But as I reflect on that I have to wonder if we are limiting God when we think inside the box like that.  Are we not keeping ourselves open to the new thing that God may have in store for us, for the new revelation of something even greater?

The heart of the psalmist acknowledges his sadness but firmly states: “I will put my hope in God, I will praise him again.”  Satan can really toy with us, our emotions, our thoughts and actions.  He can make us believe it IS all about us and that our losses and our tumults are all that matter. When this happens, we are overwhelmed.

So where do you place your hope?  It is my hope we can all find a way to look to God’s guidance, his provision, his ultimate will and trust that He is in control.  How can we praise him in ALL things, and at ALL times?  Whether we like our surroundings or what is happening around us, we need to focus on the “WHO” we are worshiping.  Right?

Let’s pray:  Lord, help me in my frustration toward others who are closed minded and selfish.  I worry that such people will spread this nastiness and the harm may be more than we can bear.  Lord, we cry out to you for help, for reassurance that we are living in your will.  When I feel alone in my sadness, give me comfort to know that with you I can overcome.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 41 – Have Mercy

Read Psalm 41

Here is another example of a prayer for mercy.  I wonder as it begins what the original text meant and the intent of the author.  As I read verses 1-3, it seems as if all those provisions are only for those who are kind to the poor.  Do you read it that way, too?  Is the author the one who has been kind to the poor at this point, or poor himself, watching those that help him be blessed?  I’m just curious.  Either way, I always have a sense of peace when I help the needy, like giving pesos to the blind old woman at the market, sponsoring a child, donating toward a business start up in a third world country, helping my neighbors here in Mexico, a very poor country in the midst of a financial crisis.  Lord, bless them all!

The psalmist quickly shifts to his own plea for mercy.  He was truly troubled and a bit paranoid it seems.  And nestled within his cry comes a prophetic word in verse 9, did you see it?  Could it be reference to Judas and Jesus perhaps?

This psalm is the last in the section (Psalm 1-41) dealing with suffering to sorrow to great joy.  This underlying theme as been a repeating pattern you have probably noticed.  I’m looking forward to the next section.  I appreciate the timeless nature of the psalms and how our laments and struggles of today can resonate with these writings as if the writer were here today.  The Bible is so cool that way.  God is a genius, but we already knew that!

How do you let the words of Scripture guide your day?  Think on  that for a moment.  Perhaps you call to mind a Bible passage or Biblical truth at a time of confusion, doubt, trouble, or praise.  You can then make sense of something, act in a manner that reflects Christ-like behavior.  Look for opportunities today to call on God’s wisdom, His Word, to help you today.

Let’s pray.  Lord, I long to be closer to you.  Forgvie me the times I try to take control.  Give me eyes to see those around me and in the world that need you or need a message from you.  Use me to be that angel of mercy that touches lives today.   In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


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