Numbers 13:1-33 – Too Scary!

scared woman in mustard yellow shirt with hand over eyes peeking out colorful blurred background

Read Numbers 13:1-33

The Promised Land is right there, close enough to scout out. Moses assigns leaders from each tribe to enter the land and bring back a detailed report of what they find. They had quite a list of things to investigate before the people were ready to claim the land God had promised them.

If you’ve ever moved to a new place, chances are you checked it out ahead of time. What sorts of things are important to you? For us moving to Mexico, we had a whole spreadsheet of things we wanted to check on like medical care, access to air transportation, housing, climate, etc. If we had had young children, investigating the school system would have been a must.

It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like for these representatives from the tribes of Israel to go on this expedition. There would be no internet searches, no travel guides, or real estate agents helping them find the best locations. In those days, the dangers were real, especially for foreigners unfamiliar with the land.

At the same time, we should not forget who called out this expedition. God was the one who instructed them to go and what to look for. Their journey would be hard, but they would not be alone (although the text never says that God was a member of the search party). It goes without saying, doesn’t it, that God is close to his people?

When the search party returned, Caleb was the one who spoke boldly and faithfully. While he had seen the same things that had frightened the other leaders, he believed they would conquer the land. Was it that he recognized God’s power was far greater than any obstacle that they could possibly face?

That’s a good thing for us to rely on, too. I was reminded just today of something Jesus said to his disciples to help them when they were feeling weak or overwhelmed. While we try to take on all our burdens and responsibilities by ourselves, remember the promise in Matthew 11:28-30. “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

No matter what giants we face in life, we know who is by our side. Jesus has offered us to take his yoke, to surrender to him all that is weighing us down. How would your life look if you truly gave Jesus all your cares and didn’t try to yank them back? Sit with that thought for a moment.

Too many times, like the remainder of the search party, cower at powers that don’t matter. When we rely on God’s power, we can face a lot more adversity with grace and strength. We won’t win every battle, just like the people of Israel will learn, but we will never be alone in the fight. I can’t imagine “doing life” without my friend Jesus’ right beside me.

If you were called to make a scouting report of the world you face each day, what are some of the dangers you might encounter? We are bombarded daily with news accounts, so hard to believe at times I have to wonder if they are indeed “created” to incite fear, disgust, or some other emotion, rather than based on reality.

Our world is a scary place, too. Let God know today how delighted you are to have him leading the way.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, thank you for being my example to follow. I want to live my life in a manner that brings glory to you. Help me to not cling to all the troubles and challenges in my life. Thank you for your offer to take those burdens away from me. Forgive me if I am slow to respond in the way you see as best for me. Thank you for being patient with me and loving me in my mess. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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