Ezekiel 22:17-22 – Refining Fire

a fire with flame shooting up against a black background

Read Ezekiel 22:17-22

What this reading made me think of was song lyrics. This song “Refiner’s Fire” was an oldie but goodie when I started using it as a prayer in worship. “I choose to be holy, ready to do Your will.” To serve like Jesus served. We want to be set apart, seen as different from the world. Such beautiful lyrics to “live by” and use as prayer verses.

Those lyrics are certainly a different angle from the image of the refining fire Ezekiel speaks of in this passage. I’m not sure I want to spend a lot of time reflecting on people who God considers “worthless slag.” I have to admit, I didn’t know what “slag” was until I read these verses.

However, we shouldn’t overlook the extent of the LORD’s disapproval and disappointment with his people, Israel. It’s not a new message, but never have they been slag. They get that way from being burnt down, for the LORD says to them, “I will melt you down in the heat of my fury.” What remains will not be pretty if anything at all. Again, not what I want to reflect on today.

Back to the song in closing. We are only made holy because of the cleansing we receive as followers of Christ. “Purify my heart,” the song says. We need to wash away our sins, those things we do that don’t honor God. That’s a simple way to think about sin and the reminder to self-correct behaviors. After all, don’t we see plenty of Christians out there who have not yet “self-corrected,” and they’re stuck in the muck of sin.

How much richer our relationship with God can be when we’re honoring him and intentionally getting to know him. It’s even easier to be less distressed about things when that God connection is strong. Sometimes we feel like we are failing God if we haven’t been able to start better habits.

We’re each given the same period per day of 24 hours. Sleep should take a significant part of that if we are being good to our bodies and trying some “better” habits. Beyond that, what takes up your day? Work, travel, cooking, caring for someone else, doing a hobby, volunteering. Did you know God can accompany you to each of those time takers. How much more enjoyable they can be with Jesus at your side. Imagine it!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father God, I thank you for bringing me to this moment. There have been situations in my life when I have been refined in the fire and come out even more beautiful. That’s all because of you and redeeming love. Thank you for walking me through the highs and lows of each day. I want to be holy and shine brightly for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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