Zechariah 1:7-17 – World Peace, Really?

peace sign made out of flowers on a colorful background

Read Zechariah 1:7-17

We’re told Zechariah waited three months for this new vision. Do you think he wondered if he was going to hear from God again? Now comes a vision that seems a bit complex. It doesn’t appear that the color of the horses has any significance nor does the location among the hedgerow of the evergreen shrub, myrtle, indigenous to the region.

The message would be timely for the people were floundering after returning to their homeland. You know, there is always that awkward period of adjustment and transition. My husband and I are heading into a new season, which includes moving our residence across town. There will always be upheaval amid change.

Zechariah’s vision should bring comfort and reassurance to the people. God had not abandoned them. In fact, it appears that what happened to them in captivity was excessive, beyond the scope of what God had intended. He wanted to punish his people, yes, for their disobedience. But the powerful nations God used to accomplish that punishment took their assignment too far.

God was not pleased that his people had been harmed. Now the report from these horsemen who were patrolling the earth was “the whole earth is at peace.” How could that be? It was not peace from God but a man-made, false peace. God’s people weren’t feeling that “peace” reported by the horsemen; rather, they were feeling overwhelmed with rebuilding the temple and their lives back in Judah.

Peace would return to God’s people. God promises it in the message he gave the angel who gave it to Zechariah. “The towns of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.” How do you think you would feel if you knew God promised increased prosperity was around the corner? We might say, “Yes, please, I’m ready to be comforted!”

What do we think about “peace” in our day? Is it attainable? It seems like since I was a little girl there has always been a war happening somewhere in the world. Will nations ever be at peace? Beyond warfare, we see hatred and fear wedging between people, disrupting any possibility of peace. What would those horsemen report if they were patrolling today?

The peace I like to rest in is the peace in knowing I have (1) a loving God, (2) a Savior who is making a place for me in his kingdom, and (3) a Spirit who is empowering me each day to stay strong to fight the battles of evil in this world. God is my peaceful refuge and strength.

Let Jesus’ words from John 16:33 refresh your heart today: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the peace Jesus brings me and those who love you. Amidst the storms of life, and those uncomfortable times of transition, you are there. You have overcome the world! Thank you for being my strength and comfort when I’m feeling lost and alone. It brings a smile to my face knowing I am yours. Use me today so others can find your peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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