Have you ever felt so lost, hurt, or angry that you had a hard time praising God? When things go badly for us, we often lash out at God feeling resentment rather than turning to him in praise. I can imagine those people in exile were finding it difficult to praise God. They may have even blamed him for their situation. Others may have totally turned their back on God.
Our song of praise in this reading is the perfect infusion to give the people a gentle reminder that praise should happen regardless of circumstance. There are always reasons to give God the glory he deserves. There are always things to be grateful for if we look carefully enough. Everyone should be praising God. “Let the whole world glorify the Lord; let it sing his praise.”
God realized the people returning from exile would feel lost. They would likely feely like strangers in their own land. Seventy years was a long time, and most of the people returning would not even recognize their homeland. What was God’s plan? “I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them.”
I know what it feels like to enter a strange land. We did that when we moved to Mexico. Thankfully, our paths crossed with a gentleman at the border when we were crossing at the break of dawn. He reminded us that Mexico was not the United States, and that we would do well to not compare the two. That bit of advice has served us well. We have known many who have not been able to adjust to the difference. God used that man that day as one of many who have welcomed us and guided our steps in our new path.
When we are caught up in the moment of navigating a painful or difficult situation, it’s often hard to see where God is. How much harder in those time is it to praise God. We find peace when we remember God is God and we are not, and that God is working behind the scenes whether we see him or not. He is separate from our troubles and deserves our praise no matter what.
We do well to avoid idols and distractions that keep us from God. There has been a recurring theme emerging in our readings about idols. “But those who trust in idols, who say, ‘You are our gods,’ will be turned away in shame.” We may think that we immune to having idols. Yet, there are idols all around us screaming for our attention and allegiance. We need to be careful in who and what we trust. Only God deserves our trust and our praise. If we do nothing else, remember that.
Take some time today to revel in the everlasting mercy of God. How are you going to respond to that?
Let’s pray … God you are worthy. I praise you with all that I am. Forgive me for my distractions. I want to focus on you and glorify you in all I say and do. Make your way clear. In Jesus’ name. Amen.