Isaiah 34:1-17 – Not A Fairy Tale

Read Isaiah 34:1-17

Will there be a happy ending? When we are confronted with a text full of judgment such as this, we can’t help but be waiting for the “happily ever after.” We’ve seen the pattern, judgment, hope, judgment, hope, and so forth. We’ll have to wait until Chapter 35 for the hope. Here we read, “For the Lord is enraged against the nations.” He’s not leaving anyone out! What can we glean from today’s reading to help us in our own journey of faith?

For some reason, when I was reading about how the city was overgrown and filled with animals, I thought of the fairy tale, “Sleeping Beauty.” Wasn’t that the story that while the princess slept, her castle was overtaken with vines and thistles so as to hide her from the world? Her curse was to sleep forever or until she was kissed by a prince. It would be awfully hard for the prince to find her amidst the overgrowth. An odd image to go through my head, but maybe there is something here of relevance.

While we don’t see the restoration in these verses, we do know that a prince will come. Actually, it will be a king. A righteous king. He will be able to find us no matter how lost we may be. We can be tangled up in all sorts of evil or wrong thinking, but Jesus will find us through it all. Just like the prince finds Sleeping Beauty in our story, Jesus will rescue us. Restoration is on its way. Are we going to be asleep or waiting patiently?

A lot of emphasis in our reading today was placed on Edom. You may recall the Edomites were descendants of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob. The Israelites are from Jacob’s family line. The Israelites and Edomites were always enemies. You’ll recall the story of Jacob and Esau and how deception played out their history. It’s not surprising that their descendants would carry on the animosity.

“For it is the day of the Lord’s revenge, the year when Edom will be paid back for all it did to Israel.” In all the readings we had prior to this of neighboring nations and their fate of doom, you will note Edom was not included. Apparently, God’s plan was not to let them off the hook. The description of what remains of Edom is very complete. Can’t you just picture all the creatures living there amidst the ruins?

We can rely on any promise made by God. What the mouth of the Lord has commanded, his Spirit will perform. In other words, “for the Lord has promised this. His Spirit will make it all come true.” What promise of God do you rely on to get you through each day? As we navigate through this maze of life, it helps when we cling to the promises of God. We know that Jesus is coming again. We know that God has everything under control. We know there will be a “happily ever after,” an eternity to spend with God. We have these assurances, and the Holy Spirit will make it all come true.

Take some time to be still in God’s mighty presence today and let the peace of knowing his word is true and his promises are real wash over you and calm your spirit.

Let’s pray … Lord, there is so much going on in our world today. It seems like evil is running rampant. Thank you that I can cling to your promises and know I am held securely in your loving arms. I look forward to living happily ever after with you, knowing you will have the final victory. Until that day, Lord, draw me closer to you and use me to help others see you more clearly as the leader of their life as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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