If you haven’t already looked at a map of the Palestine region, today may be the time. There is a map in my study Bible that actually shows the wanderings in the wilderness. Moses and the people are now on the east side of the Jordan River involved in the land conquests we’re reading about.
Today we hear of another battle much like that yesterday. God was with the people, and they destroyed another kingdom. The land and possessions of the fallen ones are now the property of the Israelites, just as God had intended, as if God said, “Here you go!” What thoughts go through your mind as you read of these battles and all the brutal killing? For me, I struggle with God sparing one life at the loss of another. If God created us all, how can he wipe out a whole kingdom to open up a way for others? That was some promise! Does God play favorites? How do I make sure I’m one of them?
Those that died must have been evil. They were not believers in the one true God. Choices. The world is full of choices to make. It is so much more intricate than right from wrong. There are consequences to some choices and rewards for others. In this case, God is sacrificing some for the benefit of others. At least that’s what it looks like from the outside. There are bound to be casualties when God’s will is involved. How do we reconcile that?
This ransomed land is now divided among several of the tribes of Israel. Moses gives the instructions, presumably a revelation from God. Talk about move-in-ready. The towns were devoid of people, but there were likely homes, furnishings, even food staples to begin a new life. If you’ve ever moved, even across town, you know how much work it is to get established, packed and unpacked, etc.
The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh were now “home.” I wonder how that felt? I’m not familiar enough with the culture to know for sure, but having a roof over one’s head and a community can bring a lot of comfort. God’s promise was coming true for them.
There are a lot of promises in the Bible for us, too. We just need to be looking. Are you relying on God right now? He is the one sure thing in life. Amidst the struggle, uncertainty, and fear, simply look around. What do you see? God’ provision for you is all around you. Remember, everything belongs to God. He says to us, too, “Here you go!” We should be filled with gratitude and give him thanks. In addition to praise, our jobs are to be good managers of what God has so freely given.
Let’s pray … Lord, may I be a good steward of all that you have entrusted to me. I may not have had to fight a battle with bloodshed for my place in life, but there have been plenty of skirmishes. Give me your peace today amidst the trials surrounding me and our world. Go before me and show me how you want me to serve you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.