Proverbs 6:1-19 – Lessons for Life

Read Proverbs 6:1-19

None of us came with an instruction manual at birth. Many first-time parents are overcome with the newness. Others just take it in stride. I remember being fearful throughout my pregnancy, but when the time came, instinct kicked in. It was a beautiful thing. God is so good. Today’s reading is full of some great lessons for life.

One bit of advice, in particular, I wish I had known in my younger days. I co-signed a car loan for a friend, actually a co-worker. I wanted them to be able to get to work, after all. But if I had read this nugget of wisdom, I would have graciously declined. I would have saved thousands of dollars when he defaulted on the loan and they sold the car at auction for pennies on the dollar. Have you had life lessons like that you wish you could have avoided?

When we can arm ourselves with God’s word, our lives can really take a new direction. The Bible can be seen as our instruction book for life. Sometimes the wisdom is on time, and sometimes it comes later to confirm the path you should have taken. What else does Solomon share with us today?

Ants! Really? As I write this, I’ve brushed four ants off my computer screen. I’m typing outside on our patio, and for some reason the ants are attracted to what I’m writing! Since moving to Mexico, I’ve acquired a new admiration for ants. That’s putting it nicely. I detest the little creatures if I were to be totally truthful. But like Solomon says, they are workers. They can devour a flowering bush in a day’s time carrying all the leaves and flowers away in a parade of walking bush fragments. Have you ever witnessed such a thing? They are the exact opposite of lazy.

Solomon closes this section by sharing with us seven things the Lord detests. I don’t know about you, but I want to avoid these things and do my best to be the opposite. (1) haughty (arrogant) eyes, (2) a lying tongue, (3) hands that kill the innocent, (4) a heart that plots evil, (5) feet that race to do wrong, (6) a false witness who pours out lies, and (7) a person who sows discord in a family. That’s quite a list.

Take some time today to evaluate your actions. Have you fallen short in any of these? If not, you can probably picture someone you know and even love who is stuck in this type of “detestable” behavior. Can you help them? How can you help yourself? The first step to healing is realization. Next is surrender.

Take some time today to surrender to God and ask him to help you be better, stronger, smarter, more generous, more merciful, more truthful. There is always room for improvement in our lives. We just need to ask.

Let’s pray … Lord, forgive me for times of laziness and uncertainty. Inspire me today to be a better follower. Give me patience with others. Give me insight to discern your path for me. You are great, God, full of mercy and truth. In your great wisdom, you share with us exactly what we are ready to hear. Thank you for how you have redeemed me. Use me now to help others find their hope in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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