Live in harmony. Sometimes this can be a real challenge! This can be particularly difficult in churches, to which Paul is addressing this wisdom. Over the years, I have experienced firsthand disharmony among believers. Maybe you’ve been involved in a church fight, a church split or just hard feelings from anything from doctrinal differences, worship style choices, leadership weaknesses, building projects, etc.
A common struggle in the church today surrounds worship styles, whether it be a traditional hymn focus with organ or that led by a contemporary worship band. This is an age-old conversation between believers, and a struggle that is not in our house alone. I think of the Jesus’ words to the Samaritan woman that “true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth.” It’s not about the ‘where’ or the “style”. These squabbles are so frustrating, and I try to separate myself from feelings of persecution for my preference of style, and hope that I don’t judge others.
I totally embrace that we have different styles of worship, but to avoid a time of corporate worship because of style seems a bit self-centered. Worship is what we are called to do, and it is not for us, it is for God. In the midst of worship, we need to stay focused on WHO we are worshiping and never just ‘go through the motions.’ It is our duty to focus on our own relationship and find a true connection in spite of the style of music! God is speaking to me just as much through words of liturgy and hymns as he is during a praise set. I need to set aside “me” and find “HIM”.
Does being a Christian mean we are comfortable? I don’t think so. I think we are called to stretch so that we can grow. To avoid a time of worship, a time of connecting with God, no matter the reason, is folly. Great folly. I want our church to be united, as this verse suggests, united on the front lines! We have a lost world to attend to, a world that needs to hear about Jesus, a world that needs to see Jesus’ love in action. This world does not need to see or hear us so-called Christians in opposition with each other on such things. Paul’s words are so true, even today.
Let’s pray. Lord forgive us when we fight over the small stuff. Lord keep us connected to you and to each other. Help us love one another even if our views and preferences are different. Help us to focus on you and what your will for our lives. Help us not to judge others but to have that to you. Thank you for loving us in the midst of our weakness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.